RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

mongoid_rspec_ign 1.0.3

RSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers

4.657 Descargas

json_patch 0.2.1

An implementation of JSON patch in Ruby.

4.638 Descargas

blackhole 0.1.0

The blackhole is a UDP listening server. IT store udp packets into mongodb

4.599 Descargas

mongestry 0.5.5

Mongestry is Ancestry for Mongo, build for ORM Mongoid

4.581 Descargas

kolach_locomotive_cms 2.0.0.rc13

This is a Devise version dependency bug patched Locomotive CMS v2.0.0.rc12. Devise upda...

4.543 Descargas

ruote-mongodb 0.1.0

MongoDB persistence for Ruote

4.518 Descargas

sinatra-mongo-config 0.0.1

A simple wrapper for instantiating a MongoDB connection in Sinatra

4.516 Descargas

json_cache 0.1.0


4.469 Descargas

hollybush 0.0.2

Light-weight flexible structured list implementation.

4.462 Descargas


Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...

4.402 Descargas

mongoid_trimmable_fields 0.0.1

simple fields trimmer for mongoid

4.390 Descargas

krappy 0.0.1

Store some JSON. We'll see if it comes back out. Inspired by Cloudkit. Krappyness (tm...

4.372 Descargas

bson_minihash 0.0.1

Saves space by storing strings with limited character sets as packed BSON BinData.

4.371 Descargas

mongo_hydrator 0.1.0

MongoHydrator takes a document, represented as a Ruby Hash, and efficiently updates it ...

4.343 Descargas

mm-transitions 1.0.0

a simple mongomapper plugin to add a full featured state machine to your models

4.339 Descargas

mongoid-simple-roles 0.0.1

basic and simple roles system for mongoid v3

4.315 Descargas

mongoid-braxton 2.0.2

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

4.315 Descargas

unigems 0.0.1

gem collection for mongo and will_paginate

4.297 Descargas

mongoid-multi-db 3.0.0

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

4.294 Descargas

nimboids-client_side_validations 3.0.3

Client Side Validations

4.291 Descargas

to_town 0.0.4

Find nearby towns of a geographic latitude and longitude

4.286 Descargas

fog-gridfs 0.0.1

Allows fog to use gridfs as a storage backend.

4.203 Descargas

snowfinch-collector 0.5.0

Collector gem for snowfinch.

4.185 Descargas

sp-squealer 1.0

An Experimental Version of the squealer gem

4.124 Descargas

panmind-usage-tracker-server 1.1.5

this software implements an EventMachine reactor which stores json-objects received via...

4.113 Descargas

transmating 0.1.0

Transmating manages translated attributes for Mongoid documents

4.103 Descargas

mongoid-flags 0.0.1

Simple record flagging system for Mongoid documents

4.101 Descargas

mongomapper_fallback 0.1.0

MongoMapper replicaset fallback mechanism

4.075 Descargas

wf-rails3-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.4

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 3.

4.051 Descargas

moxie_client_version 0.0.1

Application client and client version: srsly

4.039 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.950.071

Para esta versión 2.058.399

Versión publicada:


Apache License Version 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
