RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para bson_ext La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bson_ext

visor-meta 0.0.3

The VISOR Meta System, responsible for maintaining image metadata.

9.777 Descargas

visor-auth 0.0.3

The VISOR Auth System, responsible for maintaining VISOR users accounts.

9.754 Descargas

fog-dragonfly 0.8.2

Dragonfly is an on-the-fly Rack-based image handling framework. It is suitable for use ...

9.444 Descargas

mongoid_sessions 1.1.0

Mongoid alternative to ActiveRecord::SessionStore.

9.166 Descargas

dedupe 0.0.1

ActiveModel validation against duplicating records.

9.036 Descargas


Anemone web-spider framework (sutch's fork)

8.992 Descargas

magis 0.0.4

Magis Framework Gem

8.973 Descargas

cloudq 0.0.8

The Cloudq Framework makes it easy to build remote job queue servers

8.972 Descargas

hikki-mongo 0.0.3

A Mongo adapter for Hikki.

8.959 Descargas

mongo_mapper_diagram 0.0.3

Diagram generator for MongoMapper

8.679 Descargas

splog 0.0.4

Parse any log file with yml defined regex rules

8.668 Descargas

juici 0.0.0

Minimal CI server with some support for dynamic

8.653 Descargas

thinking_lobster 1.0.3

Automatically schedules review times for learning material stored in a mongoDB database...

8.587 Descargas

coletivo-mongoid 0.0.4

A simple Rails 3 recommendations engine using Mongoid models

8.584 Descargas

document_hydrator 0.1.1

DocumentHydrator takes a document, represented as a Ruby Hash, and efficiently updates ...

8.548 Descargas

bayesian_average 0.1.2

A simple way to add Bayesian averages to your Mongoid classes

8.529 Descargas

mongoid-rails2 1.9.4

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

8.523 Descargas

mongoid_counter_cache 0.0.2

Mongoid Counter Cache

8.509 Descargas

mongoid_voteable 0.1.1

Provides fields and methods for the manipulation of votes on a Mongoid model.

8.476 Descargas

palava_machine 1.0.2

A WebRTC signaling server implemented with WebSockets, EventMachine and Redis Pub-Sub

8.364 Descargas

logman 0.1.0

Logman is Web Console/API for gathering logs from various sources and analyzing them. L...

8.336 Descargas

mongo_doc_rails2 0.6.2

ODM for MongoDB - for Rails 2.3.x

8.332 Descargas

rack-mongoid_adapter 0.0.3

A rack application working as an adapter for Mongoid

8.250 Descargas

nuker 2.0.0

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

8.233 Descargas

lolita-report 0.1.0

Enable configuration and generate HTML view for Lolita resources, and also has ability ...

8.220 Descargas

passenger_dyno 0.0.2

Store passenger memory usage and other useful statitics in MongoDb. Use passenger...

8.205 Descargas

rack-mongoid 0.2.0

A rack application working as an adapter for Mongoid

8.159 Descargas

dca 0.1.1


8.124 Descargas

openid_store_mongoid 0.0.2

Why does a squirrel swim on its back? To keep its nuts dry

8.061 Descargas

deploy_mongo 0.0.2

dbDeploy for couchdb

8.059 Descargas

Total de descargas 17.949.555

Para esta versión 2.058.266

Versión publicada:


Apache License Version 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
