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bjeanes-livedate 1.0.0

= Livedate A simple Rack middleware that parses a dates using Chronic, and returns the result in a standardized manner. The idea is to use this to verify the input in date input fields using AJAX, to provide immediate feedback to the user. == Usage Include Livedate in your middleware stack. In Rails, this is done in environment.rb config.gem 'livedate' config.middleware.use "Livedate" This will catch requests to /parsedate. Use GET requests and provide a parameter 'date' or 'datetime'. The value will be parsed by Chronic and returned formatted as 2009-01-01 or 2009-01-01 12:45, depending on the parameter name. == Scripts There are two generators available to get simple javascripts that use livedate. Both will replace the contents on input elements with classes .date or .datetime on change with the result from the Chronic parse. script/generate livedate_jquery script/generate livedate_prototype Will put the appropriate version of the script in your public/javascripts directory. Feel free to change these if you need a different behavior.

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  1. 1.1.0 - May 25, 2011 (6 KB)
  2. 1.0.0 - August 11, 2014 (6 KB)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

chronic >= 0.2.3





  • Erik Hansson

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 8,692

For this version 2,952



Required Ruby Version: >= 1.8
