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bebox 0.1.5

Bebox is a project born from the necessity of organizing a way to deal with the provisioning of remote servers. Bebox is based on puppet and much like another quite known project Boxen, the idea is to have a good agreement on how to manage a puppet repo for a remote environment. It is also a good idea to have a standard approach on dealing with the provisioning problem, including how to write modules, integrate them into the projects, a directory structure for the projects to follow, how to have a replicated 'development/test' environment into virtual machines, etc.




  1. 0.1.5 September 22, 2014 (3.72 MB)
  2. 0.1.4 September 12, 2014 (3.72 MB)
  3. 0.1.3 September 10, 2014 (3.71 MB)
  4. 0.1.2 September 09, 2014 (3.71 MB)
  5. 0.1.1 September 08, 2014 (3.71 MB)
Show all versions (7 total)

Runtime Dependencies (6):

colorize = 0.6.0
fast_gettext = 0.9.0
gli = 2.10.0
highline = 1.6.21
progressbar = 0.21.0
tilt = 2.0.1

Development Dependencies (7):

factory_girl = 4.3.0
jazz_hands = 0.5.2
rake = 10.3.1
rspec = 2.14.1
serverspec = 1.6.0
simplecov = 0.9.0



  • Codescrum

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 22,434

For this version 4,010

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 1.9.2
