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awsm 0.0.1

# Awsm Awsm is an awesome AWS querying tool. Pun most certainly intended. ## Make it go! Awsm is written in Ruby 2.1, so you'll need that to start with, you'll also need the `bundler` gem. [you@host:~]$ git clone [you@host:~]$ cd awsome Awsm requires four enviornment variables to be set in order to work. I use something like this: #!/bin/bash export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="You do not leak keys on github." export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="You DO, NOT, LEAK, keys on github!" export AWS_REGION="eu-west-1" export AWSM_HOSTEDZONE="Don't leak this either." echo -e "\033[1m\033[92mAWS Environment Set.\033[0m" Once you have that in place, install dependencies. [you@host:~/awsome]$ bundle install Initialise environment variables. [you@host:~/awsome]$ source ./ AWS Environment Set. And off you go. [you@host:~/awsome]$ bundle exec awsome search -dia beta # Licence See `LICENCE.txt` file.




  1. 0.2.6 May 18, 2015 (13 KB)
  2. 0.2.5 May 15, 2015 (13,5 KB)
  3. 0.2.4 May 15, 2015 (13,5 KB)
  4. 0.2.3 May 15, 2015 (13 KB)
  5. 0.2.2 May 15, 2015 (13 KB)
  6. 0.0.1 March 02, 2015 (9 KB)
Toon alle versies (13 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (2):

aws-sdk-core ~> 2.0
thor ~> 0.19

Development afhankelijkheden (3):

bundler ~> 1.6
pry ~> 0
rake ~> 0



  • Daniel Kendell

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 34.521

Voor deze versie 2.904

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
