RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

opener-chained-daemon 3.3.28

OpeNER daemon for processing multiple queues at once

69,941 下載

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


69,749 下載

cute_logger 0.1.13

Cute Logger provides globally accesible methods to do the logging. It also provides a l...

69,384 下載

hs-pact-support 1.17.1

Shared code for Pact gems

69,248 下載

notify_user 0.3.2

Drop-in solution for user notifications. Handles notifying by email, SMS and APNS, plus...

69,237 下載

agilecrm-wrapper 1.4.2

Ruby wrapper for Agile CRM API.

68,825 下載

register 0.5.5

This is a simple module-level registry for application globals. Use it to wrap global c...

68,674 下載

code_lister 0.2.7

List/filter files similar to 'find then grep' command in Linux/Unix based system

68,454 下載

aws-cfn-dsl 0.9.7

Ruby DSL for creating Cloudformation templates

68,433 下載

shopifydev 0.1.0

Abstracts out and port to ruby the functionality of the shopify textmate bundle for use...

68,404 下載

agile_utils 0.3.2

My collection of library that I have used that can be shared across multiple projects

67,989 下載

metaractor 3.3.4

Adds parameter validation and error control to interactor

67,977 下載

finitio 0.12.0

Implements the Finitio information language in Ruby.

67,660 下載

choctop 0.14.1

Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it...

67,083 下載

awesome_print-carrierwave 0.0.3

Replace ugly inspection of mounted CarrierWave uploaders in Awesome Print

66,942 下載

rubyrep 2.0.1

Open-source solution for asynchronous, master-master replication of relational databases.

66,891 下載

simple-feed 3.1.2

This gem implements flexible time-ordered activity feeds commonly used withing social n...

66,375 下載

postjob 0.5.16

restartable, asynchronous, and distributed processes

65,259 下載

state_machines_rspec 0.3.2

RSpec matchers for state_machines. Forked from modocache/state_machine_rspec to work wi...

64,549 下載

flutterby 0.6.2

Flutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th...

64,455 下載

spektrum-log 0.1.4

Read and interpret Spektrum TLM log files.

64,216 下載

fingerprintable 1.2.1

Fingerprintable adds a way to fingerprint an instance of any object, with ability to ea...

63,989 下載

index_html 0.2.5

Generate the index.html from list of files

63,940 下載

elastomer-client 3.2.3

Elastomer is a low level API client for the Elasticsearch HTT...

63,085 下載

mina-rollbar 1.0.1

Notify Rollbar of Mina deployments.

62,969 下載

sesh 0.4.3

Remote background sessions powered by tmux and tmuxinator.

62,906 下載

euston-projections 1.0.9

Default projection classes for Euston.

62,860 下載

euston-projections 1.0.9

Default projection classes for Euston.

62,860 下載

scrapers 3.2.0

A library of web site scrapers utilizing mechanize and other goodies. Helpful in gather...

62,656 下載

brigade-monitor 0.6.1

Ruby gem for something...

62,461 下載

總下載次數 224,865,261

這個版本 64,845,925



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
