RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

spree_dev_tools 0.2.4

Spree Developer Tools

110,374 下載

acpc_poker_player_proxy 1.6.7

A smart proxy for a poker player that connects to the ACPC Dealer and manages match sta...

110,159 下載

swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.1

Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll

109,992 下載

swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.1

Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll

109,992 下載

table_cloth 0.4.3

Table Cloth helps you create tables easily.

108,534 下載

ticketevolution-ruby 0.7.44

Provides Ruby wrappers for the Ticket Evolution API (http://developer.ticketevolution.c...

108,141 下載

opzworks 0.12.9

OpzWorks Utilities

106,584 下載

amadeus 5.2.1

Ruby library for the Amadeus travel APIs, providing hotel, flight, airport, and oth...

106,263 下載

fastly_nsq 1.18.1

Helper classes for Fastly's NSQ Services

106,165 下載

acpc_dealer_data 1.0.0

ACPC Dealer data

105,947 下載

moleculer 0.3.0

This is a Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.

105,843 下載

poise-boiler 1.18.1

Boilerplate-reduction helpers for Poise/Halite-style gemss.

102,882 下載

cukerail 0.7.3

Allows you to sync your Testrail testcases from feature files and send test results int...

101,987 下載

mobj 3.3.3

Utils and extentions for various ruby objects

101,859 下載

debbie 2.0.0

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...

101,597 下載

dominate 0.10.0

Allows you to manipulate the dom without touching it.

100,838 下載

soloist 1.0.3

Makes running chef-solo easy.

100,761 下載

puts_debuggerer 1.0.1

Debuggers are great! They help us troubleshoot complicated programming problems by insp...

99,118 下載

v2gpti 1.3.5

Provides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...

99,037 下載

element_factory 0.1.4

Element Factory is a more object oriented approach to generating markup.

96,476 下載

rsense-server 0.5.18

rsense-server is the communications bridge between the user (or editor plugins the user...

96,295 下載

radiator 0.4.9

Client for accessing the Hive/Steem blockchain.

96,152 下載

euston-eventstore 1.2.7

Ruby port for Jonathan Oliver's EventStore. See f...

95,512 下載

euston-eventstore 1.2.7

Ruby port for Jonathan Oliver's EventStore. See f...

95,512 下載

euston 1.2.10

Cqrs tooling.

95,250 下載

euston 1.2.10

Cqrs tooling.

95,250 下載

krl 0.4.0

Build your Kynetx applications with the IDE of your choice! Installing the krl gem will...

94,886 下載

rubycfn 0.5.5

RubyCFN is a light-weight CloudFormation DSL

94,876 下載

omniauth-scaffold 0.1.30

Scaffold for OmniAuth.

94,545 下載

ez 2.0.0

Gem for easier Rails development.

94,459 下載

總下載次數 224,343,192

這個版本 64,405,711



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
