RubyGems Navigation menu

awesome_print 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 awesome_print

rack-iframe 0.0.3

Rack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...

519,963 下载

warning_signs 0.7.2

A gem for managing ruby and rails deprecation warnings

491,407 下载

om 3.2.0

OM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ...

442,624 下载

narou 3.9.0


399,611 下载

awesome_rails_console 0.4.5

Enhance rails console by using awesome_print, pry and several pry plugins. And useful p...

374,698 下载

xamarin-test-cloud 2.3.0

Xamarin Test Cloud lets you automatically test your app on hundreds of mobile devices

374,314 下载

acpc_poker_types 7.8.6

Poker classes and constants that conform to the standards of the Annual Computer Poker ...

371,281 下载

mongoid_slug 4.0.0

Mongoid URL slug or permalink generator

351,859 下载

iif-parser 2.2.0

Basic IIF parser written in Ruby

333,060 下载

bullet_train 1.7.14

Bullet Train

327,855 下载

curl 0.0.9

Some simple methods to use shell curl

323,723 下载

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

297,911 下载

lumber 1.2.2

Lumber tries to make it easy to use the more robust log4r logging system within your ra...

274,577 下载


Bring your event data into Jekyll for amazing event websites.

273,116 下载

update 0.9.9

A Ruby Gem for running a list of update commands from command line.

271,124 下载

update 0.9.9

A Ruby Gem for running a list of update commands from command line.

271,124 下载

apollo-crawler 0.1.31

Gem for crawling data from external sources

269,756 下载

gemwarrior 0.15.18

A fun text adventure in the form of a RubyGem!

265,511 下载

webpagetest 0.0.1

A Ruby wrapper for the Webpagetest REST API.

265,373 下载

elastic-beanstalk 1.2.2

The simplest way to configure and deploy an Elastic Beanstalk application via rake.

261,307 下载

analyst 1.2.4

A nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.

240,730 下载

resque-concurrent-restriction 0.6.1

A resque plugin for limiting how many of a specific job can run concurrently

239,702 下载

earthquake 1.0.2

Twitter Client on Terminal with Twitter Streaming API.

236,515 下载

gce-metadata 0.2.4

gce-metadata provides access to GCE instance metadata.

234,867 下载

pdf_meta 0.1.3

A gem for reading file data from poppler pdfinfo

233,152 下载

pismo 0.7.4

Pismo extracts and retrieves content-related metadata from HTML pages - you can use the...

232,922 下载

beautiful-log 0.2.2

beautiful-log provides a delightful means of displaying useful and beautiful log in Rub...

222,208 下载

flok 0.0.105

Flok is a cross-platform application framework system that exports javascript files

220,642 下载

device_cloud 0.2.4

A Ruby wrapper for the Etherios Device Cloud

211,780 下载

qb 0.4.5

qb is all about projects. named after everyone's favorite projects.

205,755 下载

下载总量 224,222,470

这个版本 64,307,850



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
