autotest 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 autotest
wheniwork-ruby 1.1.0
Wheniwork Ruby Gem
6,160 下载
A ruby wrapper for the Harbor swagger APIs
6,103 下载
hydrogen-nucleus-api 1.9.5
The Hydrogen Nucleus API
6,090 下载
structure_mapper 0.0.2
Mapper of data structures (Hash, Array, ... ) to ruby objects.
6,056 下载
noths 0.2.1
Swagger client for
6,011 下载
triglav_client 1.0.0
A ruby client library for Triglav, data-driven workflow tool
5,954 下载
tripletex_api3 1.0.3
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT ...
5,928 下载
trakerr_client 2.0.0
Get your application events and errors to Trakerr via the *Trakerr API*.
5,922 下载
alfresco_api 1.0.1
**Core API** Provides access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.
5,790 下载
teleswagger 0.2.0
This is a swagger defenition for [Telegram bot API](
5,778 下载
md-validator-client 1.0.3
API for the metadata validation service.
5,621 下载
cyberSource_client 0.0.3
Simple PAN tokenization service
5,551 下载
spotify-charts 0.0.2
Ruby wrapper for the Spotify Charts API
5,485 下载
dock_genius_api_ruby_client 0.1.2.pre.ge30447
Use this gem to access the DockGenius API using Ruby
5,462 下载
richmond 0.3.0
scrap files for content and emit an aggregate file
5,431 下载
apache_felix_api_client 0.1.1
API for interacting with an Apache Felix system.
5,134 下载
alfresco 1.0.0
**Search API** Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.
5,129 下载
AsposeDiagramCloud 20.3
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
5,124 下载
rokka_client_codegen 0.1.0
A rokka client for ruby.
5,043 下载
brick_house 0.9.0
Brick Layer interface for templates, helpers, and client like use cases.
5,005 下载
dadapush_client 1.0.1
DaDaPush: Real-time Notifications App Send real-time notifications through our API with...
5,004 下载
tripletex_api 1.0.1
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT ...
4,974 下载
apache_felix_webconsole_client 0.1.1
Client for Apache Felix Web Console API. List bundles, configure services, etc.
4,904 下载
benmanns-atreides 2.0.4
Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle
4,893 下载
avm_client 1.0.1
This is api client library for AVM (automated valuation machine) -
4,885 下载
gwong-apn_on_rails 0.4.2
APN on Rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to easily add Apple Push Notificati...
4,872 下载
jcf-autotest-rails 0.0.1
AutoTest Rails without ZenTest
4,820 下载
ht 0.0.0
Simple Hash Templating for Ruby
4,727 下载
historian 0.0.1
Historian uses git commit hooks to inject itself into Git's commit workflow. Historian ...
4,689 下载
fredwu-sequel-rails 0.2.0
Integrate Sequel with Rails 3
4,664 下载