RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para aruba La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aruba

sycsvpro 0.2.2

Processing of csv files

56.860 Descargas

pinpress 1.6.3

A Pinboard application that allows for the creation of pin and tag te...

56.461 Descargas

bundler-auto-update 0.1.0

Attempt to update every single gem of your Gemfile to its latest patch, minor then majo...

56.420 Descargas

autosign 1.0.1

Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible

56.297 Descargas

logic 1.0.2

Produces truth table and MC/DC test case pairs from parsed logic statement

56.242 Descargas

gherkin_language 0.9.0

Check language of Gherkin Files

55.589 Descargas

tetra 2.0.6

Tetra simplifies the creation of spec files and archives to distribute Java projects in...

55.339 Descargas

pwqgen.rb 0.1.0

pwqgen.rb is a Ruby implementation of passwdqc's pwqgen, a random pronouncable password...

55.015 Descargas

qcmd 0.2.0

A simple interactive QLab 3 command line controller

54.648 Descargas

busser-bash 0.1.4

A Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts

54.590 Descargas

mongo-db-utils 0.2.1

some utilities for managing your mongod dbs

53.579 Descargas

saucy-kiss 0.4.0

Record Saucy SaaS events to KISSmetrics

53.496 Descargas

lights 1.0.2

Client library and CLI for controlling Philips Hue lights.

53.151 Descargas

zergrush 0.0.24

Zerg is a tool for launching an arbitrary number of virtual machines and running a task...

51.636 Descargas

bbc-a11y 0.3.1

A tool for testing the compliance of web URLs against the BBC's accessibilty guidelines

51.419 Descargas

fxpotato 2.0.4

Uses last daily feed from European Central Bank website, and exposes a simple interface...

50.961 Descargas


A tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out...

49.988 Descargas

verified_double 0.8.1

Contract tests for rspec

49.597 Descargas

calatrava 0.6.11

A framework to build cross-platform mobile apps with high quality native UIs.

49.442 Descargas

noumenon 0.2.3

Noumenon is a content management system designed to support being extended with Sinatra...

49.034 Descargas

gemedit 1.0.1

A utility to view a gem's source in your favorite editor

48.762 Descargas

lyracyst 1.3.1

See Leximaven

48.693 Descargas

prologue 0.6.0

Generate a Rails 3 app with application templates Quick Left uses to start their projec...

48.590 Descargas

ftl 0.3.3

Ftl is a command line tool for Fog/AWS

48.578 Descargas

ember-middleman 0.0.18

Ember for Middleman

48.485 Descargas

ajaxboxlogin 0.0.12

AjaxBoxLogin is a small gem that generates the Rails 3 view partial, stylesheet and jav...

48.138 Descargas

cardigan 0.1.1

A command line utility that manages cards as individual files so that they can be added...

48.080 Descargas

clearsight 1.2.0

Common utilities for ClearSight Studio

47.745 Descargas

forge 0.5.0

A toolkit for bootstrapping and developing WordPress themes.

47.619 Descargas

jpi 0.4.1

Allows you to generate a new Ruby plugin project, build it, test it in Jenkins and rele...

46.641 Descargas

Total de descargas 4.353.001

Para esta versión 39.841



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7
