RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para aruba La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aruba

vaquero_io 0.1.2

Command line tool to automate the provision and bootstrap of virtual machine applicatio...

5.453 Descargas

sushi_counter 0.1.1

Sushi fetches the raw XML from a number of vendors, then converts t...

5.400 Descargas

loca 0.1.0

CLI for checking out GitHub Pull Requests locally

5.387 Descargas

middleman-inline 0.0.2

Middleman extension that adds helpers for inlining JavaScript and CSS stylesheets.

5.373 Descargas

vcloud_ipsec-vpn 0.1.1

A command line tool to allow use of a yaml configuration file to configure VPNs on a gi...

5.369 Descargas

foodie 0.0.1

For food

5.342 Descargas

mysql_expectations 1.0.1

The mysql_expectations gem allows you to make RSpec expectations on the schemas and...

5.327 Descargas

baf-testing 0.0.0

Basic Application Framework - Testing

5.293 Descargas

insanity 0.2.0

Run a command repeatedly to check for differences. Handy for discovering flaky tests or...

5.281 Descargas

typekitter 0.1.1

Allows you to interact with typekit apis with a ruby client

5.281 Descargas

wine-pdf 0.1.1

A simple utility to open PDF files in Wine.

5.238 Descargas

mynatra 1.0.0

mynatra: the easy to use framework.

5.233 Descargas

snapgit 0.6.5

The most powerful way to share your commits

5.230 Descargas

larator 0.2.1

No handcraft-code anymore, having one in your toolbox definitely will increase your pro...

5.223 Descargas

golomb 0.0.2

Golomb command-line tool

5.209 Descargas

c0f 0.0.1

c0f - CAN of Fingers. CAN Bus fingerprinting to passively determine make/model of vehicle

5.156 Descargas

geo-cli 0.0.1

geo-cli is a command-line utility for converting between common GIS serialization formats.

5.155 Descargas

aruba-turnip 0.1.1

This gem contains adaptations of Aruba's step definitions suitable for use in projects ...

5.150 Descargas

kmkr 0.0.2

kmkr is a CLI to create files prefixed by date (e.g. It supports crea...

5.147 Descargas

jets-cli 0.1.2

Jets CLI for using Jets with your Rails application

5.091 Descargas

inventory-cli 0.1.1

A gem that lets you control the flow of products, and orders through invoices

5.088 Descargas

apexgen 0.0.1

Apexgen allows you to generate object XML, create scaffolding for...

5.022 Descargas

middleman-strava 1.0.0

A Middleman extension that provides helpers to easily display Strava API data

5.004 Descargas

cucumber-usual_suspects 0.0.1

Identities for Cucumber step definitions

5.003 Descargas

app-runner 0.0.3

App runner utils

4.997 Descargas

ruby_pager 0.1.3

command line tools to read and modify PAGE xmls

4.996 Descargas

alonzo 0.0.1

Your command-line butler and confidant

4.960 Descargas

oversetter 1.1.0


4.958 Descargas

gadafi 0.0.2

This gem was written largely to get familiar with aruba, and minitest, bundler and thor...

4.928 Descargas

asterisk-mailcmd 0.0.1

Asterisk voicemail emails enhancement

4.893 Descargas

Total de descargas 4.437.718

Para esta versión 61.661

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7
