RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para armitage-rubocop La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren armitage-rubocop

qonfig 0.28.0

Config. Defined as a class. Used as an instance. Support for inheritance and compositio...

1.069.445 Descargas

crawler_detect 1.2.4

CrawlerDetect is a library to detect bots/crawlers via the user agent

1.025.550 Descargas

symbiont-ruby 0.7.0

Symbiont is a cool implementation of proc-objects execution algorithm: in the context o...

242.665 Descargas

smart_core 0.8.1

(in active development) A set of common abstractions

139.726 Descargas

smart_initializer 0.11.1

A simple and convenient way to declare complex constructors

90.706 Descargas

smart_engine 0.17.0

SmartCore Engine - a set of core functionality shared beetwen a series of SmartCore gems.

87.944 Descargas

smart_types 0.8.0

Full-featured type system for any ruby project. Supports custom type definition, type v...

85.807 Descargas

thy 0.1.4

@see summary

83.439 Descargas

smart_container 0.11.0

Thread-safe semanticaly-defined IoC/DI Container

80.006 Descargas

scripper 0.1.1

@see summary

75.054 Descargas

smart_injection 0.3.0

DI principles and idioms realized in scope of Ruby.Support for method-injeciton strateg...

71.037 Descargas

smart_operation 0.2.0

Smart implementation of the most-used programming pattern - Service Object

67.200 Descargas

smart_schema 0.11.0

SmartCore::Schema is a schema validator for Hash-like data structures

49.015 Descargas

any_cache 0.7.0

AnyCache - a simplest cache wrapper that provides a minimalistic generic interface for ...

46.408 Descargas

smart_value-object 0.2.0

ValueObject pattern realized in scope of Ruby.

35.396 Descargas

jaina 0.7.0

Simple programming language builder inspired by interpreter pattern. You can build your...

16.819 Descargas

serde 0.0.9

Fast, compiled serializers for Ruby. Powered by

15.987 Descargas

sidekiq_portal 0.3.2

Sidekiq::Portal - emulate scheduled job activity in tests when you work with time trave...

7.149 Descargas

puma_dynamic_tags 0.2.0

puma_dynamic_tags - allows to use a dynamic tag puma's option calculated by a proc.

4.116 Descargas

litl-parser 0.1.1

Ruby bindings to LIT language parser

3.032 Descargas

litl 0.1.1

LIT object generator and validator

2.999 Descargas

sidekiq_admin_enquerer 0.1.2

Sidekiq Admin Enquerer.

2.619 Descargas

sequel-connection_guard 0.1.0

Provides an abstraction for working with unreliable databases safely.

2.585 Descargas

blastwave 0.0.0


2.466 Descargas

blast_wave 0.0.0


2.258 Descargas

gem_template_rb 0.1.0

Рус, есть какой-нить шаблон для гемов, чтобы мозга не е*ать?

2.116 Descargas

time_shift 0.0.0

In active development

2.102 Descargas

siege 0.0.0

Software architecture principles realized as a code.

2.048 Descargas

smart_type-system 0.0.0

Abstract Type System with a support for various type systems

1.512 Descargas

jsonrpc_interface 0.1.0

JSONRPC Interface for Ruby projects realised in object oriented way. JRPC Request, JRPC...

687 Descargas

Total de descargas 221.036

Para esta versión 454



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.1
