Dependencias inversas para activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter
jsonb_accessor 1.4
Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.
18.019.903 Descargas
enum_type 2.2.0
Allows ActiveRecord to better use PostgreSQL's ENUM types.
56.362 Descargas
tac_scribe 0.8.1
Write Tacview data to PostGIS database
53.124 Descargas
flex_columns 1.0.9
Schema-free, structured JSON storage inside a RDBMS.
30.632 Descargas
ar_jdbc_pg_array 0.1.1
ar_jdbc_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[]...
8.251 Descargas
granted 0.2.0
Takes care of defining what actions one model is allowed to do with another model.
7.519 Descargas
terrapop_models 0.1.0
Description of TerrapopModels.
3.071 Descargas