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activemerchant 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 activemerchant

spree_active_shipping 1.0.0

Spree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.

5,239 下載

catarse_paypal_am 0.1.3

PaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform

5,129 下載

heartland_portico 4.0.0

SOAP Wrapper for Heartland Portico payment gateway

5,106 下載

active_merchant_payumoney_com 0.0.1 Payment Gateway integration for ActiveMerchant

5,091 下載

spree-enriquez 0.9.4

The most flexible commerce platform available - designed from the ground up to be as op...

4,841 下載

killbill-firstdata_e4 0.2.0

Kill Bill payment plugin for First Data e4.

4,780 下載

jackpot 0.0.3

Billing for rack apps

4,734 下載

killbill-securenet 0.2.0

Kill Bill payment plugin for SecureNet.

4,734 下載

servicemerchant 0.1.0

Provides UI and tools to add billing feature to web application

4,572 下載

active_merchant-paypal-bogus-gateway 0.1.0

Bogus Gateway useful for testing applications using ActiveMerchant with Paypal

4,397 下載

georgedrummond-active_paypal_adaptive_payment 0.3.9

This library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.

4,387 下載

eway 1.0.0

Eway payment Api

4,230 下載

merchant_sidekick 0.4.2

A light-weight E-commerce plugin.

4,206 下載

croipg 0.0.0

Support for cro IPG's

4,186 下載

croipg 0.0.0

Support for cro IPG's

4,186 下載

rfcommerce_core 0.0.3

Required dependancy for Rfcommerce

4,169 下載

transbank 0.0.1

Active Merchant Integration with Transbank Webpay

4,104 下載

pay_fu 1.0.0

pay_fu engine

4,062 下載

solidus_conekta 1.1.1

Soldius Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway

3,697 下載

sapna_gale_test_core 1.0.0

Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Sapna gale test e-commerce project.

3,622 下載

spree_conekta 0.5.9

Spree Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway

3,578 下載

funddit_paypal_express 3.0.1

PaypalExpress integration with Funddit crowdfunding platform

3,417 下載

killbill-bitpay 0.0.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for Bitpay.

3,310 下載

Mockerize 0.0.1

Mockerize is a mock customer information management (CIM) class for Rails...

3,247 下載

objective_active_merchant_first_data 1.3.0

First Data Latvia gateway for Active Merchant

3,144 下載

active_merchant_ecpay 0.1.2

This gem integrate Rails with ecpay (綠界科技).

2,903 下載

sac_active_merchant_first_data 1.3.0

First Data Latvia gateway for Active Merchant

2,705 下載

activemerchant-redsys_rest 0.9.2

Active Merchant extension to support Redsys payment gateway

2,693 下載

dup_spree_core 1.3.0.rc1

Required dependency for Spree

2,436 下載

activemerchant-payline 0.1.9

ActiveMerchant implementation of the Payline Gateway.

2,320 下載

總下載次數 19,065,999

這個版本 606,011



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
