RubyGems Navigation menu

active_support 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 active_support

ice_cube_conrad 0.8.0

ice_cube is a recurring date library for Ruby. It allows for quick, programatic expans...

4,068 下載

omnidata 0.0.1

Omnidata let you define your model free from any specific database.

4,014 下載

hubtime 0.0.1

Visualization of your Github activity over the past year via Github API with visualizat...

4,007 下載

jenerator 0.0.1

Generators for easily creating dummy/base Joomla! extensions

3,983 下載

orm_adapter-simple_record 0.0.1

"Adds Amazon SimpleDB adapter to orm_adapter (

3,972 下載

nanny 0.0.1

Nanny helps you find valid Torrent links from CLI

3,929 下載

metro-ld25 0.3.3

Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...

3,918 下載

chiebukuro 0.0.1

Yahoo! Chiebukuro helper

3,909 下載

confer 0.0.1

Inspired by tools such as Ansible, Puppet and Chef, but at a much smaller scale if you ...

3,884 下載

rspec_normalized_hash 0.0.1

Specification of Normalized Hash data structure main goal is to make data produced by p...

3,854 下載

ec2-backup 1.0.0

Automate backups of your infrastructure dynamically via AWS EC2 Tagging and Snapshots

3,837 下載

jmoses-couchbase 1.3.6

The official client library for use with Couchbase Server. This fork has been updated ...

3,817 下載

in_or_out 0.1.0

This gem will help you check whether you AFL fantasy football players are playing this ...

3,802 下載

fuzzy-prompt 0.0.1

Tokenizes, fuzzes and scores strings - good for autocomplete

3,801 下載

krambook 0.0.1

Kraft your ebooks with Kramdown. Intended as a collection ...

3,790 下載

self_testing_framework 0.0.1

This gem provides a self testing framework

3,785 下載

rabbit_rpc 0.0.2

Framework for developing services and workers using RabbitMQ

3,749 下載

super_model 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,731 下載

spellcard 0.0.1

Find misspelled comment in your source code

3,692 下載

stardust_zhublik 0.0.1

Video & Coffee

3,609 下載

rrx 0.0.1

Reactive Extensions provide an enumerable-like interface to process temporal data(event...

3,580 下載

pirate_commander 0.0.1

provides the pirate_say command

3,579 下載

pick_ja_date 0.0.1


3,550 下載

vistasoft 0.1

Integration with Vista SOAP web service

3,514 下載

mypage_tools 0.0.2

myPage tools for Apple Retail employees

3,483 下載

po_translation 0.0.1

Using google translate to translate your po file

3,478 下載

nice-diff 1.0.0

Nice diff generates the tabular readable diff of two JSON or XML files. A file object r...

3,473 下載

spam_guardian 0.2.0

A gem to prevent your application to receive some spam email user.

2,486 下載

carrierwave_instrumentation 0.0.2

WIP - will add more endpoints (PR welcome :)

2,247 下載

validates_countrycode 0.1.0

The purpose of this gem is to validate countrycodes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format

1,960 下載

總下載次數 278,594

這個版本 278,594


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