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Dépendances inversées pour active_model_serializers Latest version of the following gems require active_model_serializers

orb_def 0.1.0

Fetches and persists Nasa FIRMS (Fires) and Open Weather API data by geolocation

6 535 Téléchargements

iraq_unrest 0.0.2

Ruby library to serialize, format, and visualize Iraq data shared by Agence France-Presse.

6 436 Téléchargements

blogy 0.1.1

Mountable engine with blog management in your API.

6 422 Téléchargements

pushable-rails 0.0.2

Send model updates to Pusher

6 284 Téléchargements

serializer_field_filter 0.0.3

field filter for active_model_serializers

6 050 Téléchargements

veri_trans 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper library for veritrans Air Direct API

6 001 Téléchargements

rspec_active_model_serializers 0.1.1

RSpec matchers for testing integration between Rails' controllers and ActiveModel::Seri...

5 916 Téléchargements

mongoid_extended 0.1.2

Support EpochTime, ObjectId, Serializer, SoftDelete

5 891 Téléchargements

grape-resources 0.0.2

Grape resources provides the initial scaffolding for a model in a Grape api object, thi...

5 718 Téléchargements

sprangular 0.1.0

Spree frontend using angular.js

5 705 Téléchargements

lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.

5 404 Téléchargements

ams_hal 0.2.3

Provides an adapter to use with ActiveModel::Serializer so that resources can be serial...

5 182 Téléchargements

active_model_serializers-namespaces 1.0.0.rc

Enhances ActiveModel::Serializers gem by adding support for serializers namespacing. T...

5 175 Téléchargements

api_engine 0.0.1

An API engine for Rails. Structure of the API is opinionated and designed to directly i...

5 018 Téléchargements

solidus_json_api 0.3.1

Adds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.

4 942 Téléchargements

container_broker 1.2.0


4 876 Téléchargements

active_model_presenter 0.1.2

Presenters and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the second most useful pattern after Servi...

4 856 Téléchargements

barite 0.1.1

RailsRails API patters generator.

4 817 Téléchargements

cru-auth-lib 0.1.1

Collection of common auth models for use in shared authentication.

4 782 Téléchargements

response_encryption 0.1.1

Gem to encrypt the API response.

4 618 Téléchargements

active_loaders 0.0.1

Ruby library to automatically preload data for your Active Model Serializers

4 313 Téléchargements

gaku_api 0.3.0

API functionality for GAKU Engine. See

4 280 Téléchargements

to_j 0.2.0

Fast JSON serializer for Rails based on Jbuilder and concept of views.

4 158 Téléchargements

ember_auth_rails 0.1.0


4 116 Téléchargements

rspec-active_model_serializers 1.0.0

Simple testing of ActiveModelSerializers via a collection of matchers.

4 072 Téléchargements

playdough 1.0.0

The premise of this gem is that consumers of your API need versioning ...

3 970 Téléchargements

at_fast_jsonapi 1.5.2

JSON API( serializer that works with rails and can be used to serialize any...

3 941 Téléchargements

draper_new 3.0.0

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

3 881 Téléchargements

answer 0.1.0

A json-renderable result object working well with AR, AM Serializers, and Rails.

3 785 Téléchargements

grape-active_model_serializers-revibe 1.0.1

Provides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with active_model...

3 722 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 108 290 921

Pour cette version 1 223 875

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.1
