RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 actionview

editor_js 0.4.0

It validates, parses, and renders content from editorjs

42,079 下载

activerecord-userstamp 3.0.4

This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated...

40,352 下载

bs_form_builder 0.2.3

A Rails form builder for bootstrap style forms.

39,533 下载

rubocop-rails-accessibility 1.0.1

Custom RuboCop rules for Rails Accessibility.

39,435 下载

ttl2html 2.0.9

Static site generator for RDF/Turtle

39,322 下载

global_error_handler 1.2.3

On the middleware level catch an exception from Rails app and store in the separated Re...

38,214 下载

quby-compiler 0.5.9

Quby::Compiler compiles a DSL for questionnaires to JSON

37,507 下载

file_column_with_s3 0.3.0

File attachment library for ruby

36,443 下载

killbill-orbital 0.1.18

Kill Bill payment plugin for Orbital.

36,216 下载

killbill-stripe 6.0.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for Stripe.

35,933 下载

kono_utils 1.1.4

Gemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...

35,903 下载

iesde 2.2.2

Esta não é uma versão oficial

35,699 下载

savagery 0.6.1

Ruthlessly sprites SVGs

34,908 下载

restspec 0.3.2

RSpec macros, helpers and matchers to work with APIs

33,934 下载

devise-onesignal 4.0.1

Implement user targeted cross-platform notifications with OneSignal & Devise in you...

32,461 下载

decisive 0.8.4

DSL for rendering CSVs from an array of objects

30,815 下载

is_bot 2.0.1

Simple gem to reduce the spam attacks on sign-up, sign-in and other similar sorts of fo...

30,793 下载

guide 0.8.0

Document your Rails application with a living component library and styleguide

30,707 下载

tiptap-ruby 0.9.0

A gem for parsing, generating, and rendering TipTap Documents and Nodes using Ruby.

30,516 下载

lumberyak 0.1.5

LumberYak enables structured logging via JSON for any Rails application

29,252 下载

tilt-rails_erb 2.0.0

tilt-rails_erb adds supports ERB templates using Rails' ERB handler, which is different...

28,744 下载

hellobase 0.1.18

Ruby runtime environment for Hellobase

26,982 下载

rubocop-springest 0.7.5

Code style checking for Springest Ruby repositories

26,701 下载

rails_gravatar 1.0.4

A simple gem for for generating Gravatar images and tags in a Rails environment.

26,321 下载

catalyst-rails 0.1.3

Ruby helpers for the "catalyst" node package

26,249 下载

props_template 0.33.0

PropsTemplate is a direct-to-Oj, JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON. It has support fo...

25,678 下载

lite-component 1.2.2

Generate component from collections of data points

24,975 下载

content_for_once 0.1.5

Seems like `content_for`, content_for_once embed the HTML tags(especially, `javascript_...

24,794 下载

kolor-picker 0.1.4

Integrate with kolor-picker to provide color picker and form helper.

24,653 下载

eu_cookies 1.1.2

A Rails solution to the European Cookie Law issue

24,325 下载

下载总量 478,685,052

这个版本 2,138,851



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
