RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para RedCloth La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren RedCloth

apispec 0.1.0

A documentation generator for http/rest

14.071 Descargas

bakery-core 0.0.6

rendering of content, admin interface creation, host redirection

14.022 Descargas

super_simple_admin 0.2.5

Provides super simple authentication al a Ryan Bates old screen cast. Creates admin acc...

13.680 Descargas

doculab 0.2.0

A Rails Engine for a simple file-based CMS, suitable for a documentation site. Origina...

13.385 Descargas

doco 1.1.1

Renders textile documents within mustache templates

13.277 Descargas

redcloth-formatters-docbook 0.0.4

Allows RedCloth to convert .textiles to Docbook XMLs

13.254 Descargas


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

13.162 Descargas


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

13.061 Descargas

augustl-redclothcoderay 0.3.5

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.

13.030 Descargas

marcosinger-auto_html 1.3.6

Automatically transforms URIs (via domain) and includes the destination resource (Vimeo...

12.528 Descargas


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12.506 Descargas

qrush-jekyll 0.5.1

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12.487 Descargas

fluffy_barbarian 0.0.3

Fluffy barbarian carefully handles your blog!

12.463 Descargas

siuying-gitdocs 0.4.16

Open-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git (my fork with github favoured markdown support).

12.371 Descargas

naeu-jekyll 0.7.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12.349 Descargas

kblog 0.0.4

Kblog is a very simplistic and lightweight mountable blog-engine for rails provides sim...

12.339 Descargas

dunkstewart-blogbits 0.4.0

no really! that's it!

12.182 Descargas

awestructx 0.4.1

Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites.

12.003 Descargas


Manage custom fields to a mongoid document or a collection. This module is one of the c...

11.847 Descargas

mars-nesta 0.9.6

Nesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using the Sinatra web...

11.645 Descargas

dyoder-waves 0.8.0

Open-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.

11.631 Descargas

rbbt-marq-www 1.2.0

This package contains a SOAP web server and a merb application.

11.382 Descargas

solarsearch 0.0.10

Have a search motor built on the top of Solr, a highly customizable, scalable and well ...

11.350 Descargas

sqliki_generator 0.0.4

Generates code for (primative) a SQL-based wiki within your Rails app.

11.211 Descargas

fnando-glue 0.0.5

Glue is a simple and dumb static site generator.

11.178 Descargas

bloggit 1.0.7

You can find the source at: == FEATURES: * Static gen...

11.141 Descargas

spreadhead 0.6.3

Rails content mangement for pages that shouldn't be views.

11.139 Descargas

textile2html 0.1.3

textile2html generate html from textile with ERB template by using RedCloth

10.921 Descargas

textile2html 0.1.3

textile2html generate html from textile with ERB template by using RedCloth

10.921 Descargas

HornsAndHooves-publify_core 10.5.0

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

10.881 Descargas

Total de descargas 34.265.521

Para esta versión 95.950



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4
