activerecord-autoscope 0.3.0
activerecord-autoscope automatically add useful scopes
10,005 下载
active_record_auto_validations 0.0.4
Scans ActiveRecord models and adds automatic validations based on null, max length etc.
14,363 下载
active_record-auto_writable 0.1.0
Automatically switch to writable role on ActiverRecord writable methods.
3,260 下载
activerecord-aws_data_service_mysql-adapter 0.1.0
An Aurora Serverless ActiveRecord adapter
3,026 下载
activerecord-aws-secret-connector 0.0.2
Adds ability to active record connect to database using aws secret to store database co...
6,146 下载
active_record_base_without_table 0.1.2
Allows to use ActiveRecord::Base functionality without database table
47,262 下载
activerecord_base_without_table 0.2.0
Test harness for BaseWithoutTable migration to Rails 5
7,977 下载
activerecord-batch_touching 3.0.0
Batch up your ActiveRecord "touch" operations for better performance. All accumulated "...
11,464 下载
activerecord_batch_update 0.0.3
Update multiple records with different values in a small number of queries
1,936 下载
active_record_batteries 2.0.0
Several small active record modules to empower models in a simple way.
5,987 下载
activerecord-belongs_to_if 0.1.1
Allows you to manage preload condition by `:if` condition.
236,573 下载
activerecord-be_readonly 0.3.0
Makes read-only models easier to implement in ActiveRecord 3.x/4.x/5.x.
427,522 下载
active_record_better_dependent_error_messages 0.0.3
A gem that makes better dependent error messages telling exactly which relationship tre...
58,747 下载
activerecord-bigquery-adapter 1.0.3
Rails ActiveRecord connector for BigQuery
3,921 下载
active-record-binder 1.2.0
A Ruby library to ease the process of interfacing with ActiveRecord. Allows to create s...
32,784 下载
activerecord-bitemporal 5.2.0
Enable ActiveRecord models to be handled as BiTemporal Data Model.
54,889 下载
activerecord-bitemporal-tablize 0.1.4
Displaying the history of records managed by ActiveRecord::Bitemporal in a tabular format.
9,133 下载
activerecord-bit_field 0.0.1
Activerecord::BitField provide a feature of mapping bit fileds to RDB table in ActiveRe...
4,408 下载
active_record_bitmask 3.0.0
Simple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
47,885 下载
activerecord-bixformer 0.4.19
a framework for xross transformer between ActiveRecord and other format.
117,108 下载
activerecord-blanks 1.0.0
Convert blank values to nil.
6,165 下载
active_record_block_matchers 0.2.2
This gem adds custom block expectation matchers for RSpec, such as `expect { ... }.to c...
26,805 下载
activerecord-blockwhere 1.0.3
Simply conditions DSL for ActiveRecord
31,986 下载
activerecord-bogacs 0.7.1
Improved ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool alternatives
53,001 下载
activerecord-bq-adapter 0.0.1
Basic Implementation of an ActiveRecord Adapter for Google's Big Query. Just handles qu...
9,446 下载
activerecord-bracket 0.0.1
Provide bracket-method `[]` for ActiveRecord Class
8,733 下载
active_record-bsearch 0.1.0
Binary search extension for ActiveRecord.
2,935 下载
active_record_bulk_insert 1.3.1
Exposes a bulk insert API to AR subclasses
431,259 下载
activerecord-bulk_insert 0.0.2
Bulk insert or update
5,020 下载
activerecord_bulkoperation 0.2.3
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,347 下载