anila 1.0.7
A CLI for working with Anila
29.805 Descargas
Client for AniLibria API
9.087 Descargas
Anilistrb 0.1.2
A simple API wrapper for AniList's GraphQL API
4.306 Descargas
anima 0.3.2
Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
2.392.511 Descargas
animal 0.2.2
Animal Puppet External Node Classifier
5.309 Descargas
animalcracker 0.0.2
A sweet Sinatra extension for asset hosting. Roarrrrrrrr
11.479 Descargas
animal-identicon 0.1.0
Ruby library for generation animal icons using SVG
2.561 Descargas
animal_info 0.1.0
find animal info
2.811 Descargas
animal_names 0.0.1
Enter a letter, it returns an animal name
4.210 Descargas
animate 0.1.0
Compass port of Animate.css by Dan Eden, allows you to choose only the animations you n...
49.297 Descargas
animatecss 0.0.11
Add animate css goodies to your rails pipeline
32.773 Descargas
animate_css_on_rails 0.1.0
Gem for adding Animate.css support to Ruby on Rails projects
3.703 Descargas
animate-css-rails 3.5.2
A simple asset wrapper for the animate.css. See
29.092 Descargas
animate.css-rails 3.2.0
animate.css's CSS for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
60.491 Descargas
animatedgif 0.0.2
A ruby library for playing gif
5.966 Descargas
animated_gif_detector 0.1.1
Reads a stream and determines if it's an animated GIF
21.048 Descargas
animatedgifme 0.0.3
A ruby library for
9.832 Descargas
animatedgifme-v1 1.0.1
A v1 of ruby library for A gem example from GoRails by Chris Ol...
4.025 Descargas
animatedgifoscar 0.1.0
This is just a test I learn.
2.746 Descargas
animatedledstrip-client 0.7
Library for connecting to an AnimatedLEDStripServer
6.120 Descargas
animate-rails 1.0.10
animate.css for rails
1.261.976 Descargas
animate-sass 0.1.1
Animate.sass is a Sass and Compass CSS animation library for WebKit, Firefox and beyond...
21.876 Descargas
animate.sass-rails 0.0.1
As expected...
8.310 Descargas
animate-scss 0.0.5
Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline
130.415 Descargas
animation 0.1.alpha.3
css3 animations plugin for compass, with core animation mixins, and optional defaul ani...
235.444 Descargas
animation-studio 0.1.6
A long description of this awesome compass extension
23.032 Descargas
animator 0.0.4
Animator is a cleanly namespaced ActiveRecord plugin that hooks into the existing model...
4.145 Descargas
anime 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2.895 Descargas
AnimeDL 1.0.5
The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime
24.629 Descargas
animeface 0.0.2
animeface gem
2.767 Descargas