RubyGems Navigation menu

zeitwerk 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk

sdr-client 2.18.0

This provides a way to deposit repository objects into the Stanford Digital Repository

185,571 下載

dynomite 2.0.3

ActiveRecord-ish DynamoDB ORM

182,995 下載

aws-logs 1.0.0

Tail AWS CloudWatch Logs

175,156 下載

sorbet-schema 0.9.2

Serialization and deserialization library into Sorbet structs.

169,127 下載

tocer 18.7.0

A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.

161,375 下載

formula 2.0.1

Formula is a Rails form generator that generates simple clean markup. The project aims ...

159,955 下載

terraspace_plugin_google 0.5.0

Terraspace Google Cloud Plugin

159,740 下載

milestoner 18.10.0

A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.

145,065 下載

langchainrb 0.19.0

Build LLM-backed Ruby applications with Ruby's Langchain.rb

143,387 下載

isomorfeus-transport 2.5.5

Channels, authetication and various transport options for Isomorfeus.

132,933 下載

datadog-compound-metrics 0.1.0

A gem for building compound metric (a single metric from multiple ones). Mostly to have...

132,309 下載

gruf-sentry 1.5.0

Automatically report gruf failures as sentry errors

129,622 下載

grape-app 0.11.3

Standalone Grape API apps

128,428 下載

git-lint 8.8.0

A command line interface for linting Git commits.

126,934 下載

armrest 0.2.2

Ruby Azure REST API Library

122,784 下載

pennyworth 17.8.0

A command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows.

119,860 下載

camping 3.2.6

miniature rails for anyone

118,004 下載

spandx 0.18.3

Spandx is a ruby API for interacting with the software license catalogue. This...

115,470 下載

skooma 0.3.3

Apply a documentation-first approach to API development.

110,416 下載

pragmater 15.7.0

A command line interface for managing pragma comments.

110,268 下載

json_skooma 0.2.4

I bring some sugar for your JSONs.

110,158 下載

exercism-config 0.119.0

Retrieves stored config for Exercism

102,982 下載

semantic_date_time_tags 0.2.1

Rails helpers for handling dates and time.

100,723 下載

gobl 0.22.0

Minimalist ruby version of the GOBL library

99,684 下載

hanami-reloader 2.2.0

Code reloading for Hanami

98,753 下載

sublime_text_kit 17.6.0

A command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata.

98,023 下載

marameters 3.12.0

A dynamic method parameter inspector.

97,051 下載

dor-workflow-client 7.6.1

Enables Ruby manipulation of the DOR Workflow Service via its REST API

95,981 下載

cogger 0.31.0

A customizable and feature rich logger.

95,216 下載

spek 3.10.0

An enhanced gem specification wrapper.

95,090 下載

總下載次數 415,491,867

這個版本 2,588,040




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.2
