RubyGems Navigation menu

zeitwerk 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk

maintenance_tasks 2.8.0

A Rails engine for queuing and managing maintenance tasks

2,635,886 下載

packwerk-extensions 0.3.0

A collection of extensions for packwerk packages.

2,274,938 下載

gruf-rspec 1.0.1

RSpec assistance library for gruf, including testing helpers

1,788,455 下載

confiner 0.4.0

Yaml rule-based confinement

1,472,704 下載

rom 5.3.2

Persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby

1,445,553 下載

blacklight 8.4.0

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1,381,153 下載

dry-transformer 1.0.1

Data transformation toolkit

1,358,372 下載

ruby-lokalise-api 9.1.0

Opinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...

1,350,050 下載

vonage 7.27.0

Vonage Server SDK for Ruby

1,126,813 下載

cli-format 0.6.1

Format cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc

1,114,983 下載

telegram-bot-ruby 2.0.0

Ruby wrapper for Telegram's Bot API

1,112,049 下載

hanami-validations 2.1.0

Validations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami

1,034,574 下載

hanami-controller 2.1.0

Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack

859,111 下載

avo 3.12.0

Avo is a very custom Content Management System for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers a...

825,853 下載

merit 4.0.3

Manage badges, points and rankings (reputation) in your Rails app.

823,544 下載

terraspace 2.2.17

Terraspace: The Terraspace Framework

788,893 下載

hanami 2.1.1

Hanami is a web framework for Ruby

758,670 下載

dry-effects 0.4.1

Algebraic effects

717,182 下載

lokalise_rails 7.0.1

This gem allows to exchange translation files between your Rails app and Lokalise TMS.

716,746 下載

jets 6.0.3

Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...

686,206 下載

dsl_evaluator 0.3.2

DSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error

668,033 下載

hanami-cli 2.1.1

Hanami command line

667,435 下載

rspec-terraspace 0.3.3

Terraspace RSpec support

638,436 下載

hanami-view 2.1.0

A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...

609,078 下載

terraspace_plugin_aws 0.6.1

Terraspace AWS Plugin

576,784 下載

s3-secure 0.7.0

S3 Bucket security hardening tool

561,129 下載

hanami-assets 2.1.0

Assets management for Ruby web applications

541,378 下載

terraspace-bundler 0.5.0

Bundles terraform modules

539,659 下載

service_actor 3.9.3

Service objects for your application logic

524,671 下載

fear 3.0.0

Ruby port of some Scala's monads.

483,344 下載

總下載次數 397,173,612

這個版本 2,186,364




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
