RubyGems Navigation menu

zeitwerk 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk

extract_i18n 0.6.2

Extact i18n from Ruby files using Ruby parser and slim files using regex interactively

10,346 下载

graphql-sources 1.2.0

Common loaders for various database or cache operations.

10,283 下载

oauth2_dingtalk 0.2.4

Wrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API

10,187 下载

render_editorjs 0.1.4

A modular and customizable Ruby renderer for

10,175 下载

wipe_out 1.1.0

Library for removing and clearing data in Rails ActiveRecord models. Allows to define d...

10,125 下载

sod 0.11.0

A domain specific language for creating composable command line interfaces.

10,036 下载

active_brainz 0.3.1

ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database

9,927 下载

foxpage 1.0.0

A very overengineered static-page generator

9,870 下载

globus_client 0.14.0

This provides API interaction with the Globus API

9,809 下载

hetznercloud 2.0.0

Native Ruby integration with the Hetzner Cloud API

9,791 下载

realm-core 0.7.6

Domain layer framework following Domain-driven/CQRS design principles

9,704 下载

buildium 0.0.6

This gem has been removed and deprecated due to incompatability with Buildium's busines...

9,527 下载

coverart 1.0.1

A tiny client for the Cover Art Archive web service

9,444 下载

dhl_api 0.1.4

Ruby API Wrapper for DHL API

9,361 下载

spektr 0.4.1

Rails static code analyzer for security issues

9,166 下载

shopify-client 0.0.7

Shopify client library

9,101 下载

jets-rails 1.1.0

Jets Rails Support

9,046 下载

ecs-solo 0.1.4

Deploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance

8,979 下载

gearhead 0.4.2

Description of Gearhead.

8,922 下载

pdf-rendering-srv-ruby 0.1.3

Simple Ruby wrapper for seding requests to pdf-rendering-srv.

8,903 下载

gem_lookup 1.3.0

Simple but effective command line interface that looks up gems using's pub...

8,868 下载

interaktor 0.4.0

A common interface for building service objects.

8,738 下载

texy 0.10.2

Command line tool for SoW writing

8,616 下载

aws-rotate 0.4.0

Easy way to rotate all your AWS keys in your ~/.aws/credentials

8,482 下载

hoalife 0.1.8

Interface for the HTTP API.

8,442 下载

rise_ai 0.1.3

Ruby gem for API

8,432 下载

trains 0.1.0

Collect metadata about your Rails app by statically analyzing it

8,381 下载

tiny_admin 0.10.1

A compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby

8,350 下载

moneylovercli 0.1.7

Submit using ML API

8,337 下载

ekylibre-plugin_system 0.7.0

Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container

8,221 下载

下载总量 371,453,059

这个版本 1,794,052



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
