RubyGems Navigation menu

zeitwerk 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk

webtranslateit-payday 1.6.5

Payday is a library for rendering invoices to pdf.

7,960 下载

impersonator 0.1.3

Record and replay object interactions. Ideal for mocking not-http services when testing...

7,939 下载

implicit_rendering 0.1.4

Adjust default template names used for implicit rendering in Rails controllers

7,876 下载

lifeform 0.15.0

Component-centric form object rendering for Ruby

7,807 下载

active_shotgun 0.0.4

Allow using a Shotgun site as a DB for Active Model objects.

7,737 下载

dhl_ecommerce_eu 0.1.5

Ruby API wrapper for DHL eCommerce EU. Currently only supports the Return Connect produ...

7,666 下载

e_plat 0.9.6

Creates a single interface for integrating with ecommerce platform APIs.

7,642 下载

boom_nats 0.1.5

Create ruby server or integrates with a Rails app to integrate NATS messages consumer

7,629 下载

dinja 2.0.0

Dinja, Dependency Injection Ninja allows you to decouple abstractions from implementations

7,595 下载

async-tools 0.2.10

A set of useful tools for async programming with Async.

7,587 下载

youcanbookme 0.0.6.alpha

Client for accessing APIs

7,554 下载

countless 1.2.0

This gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.

7,552 下载

schaltroom 0.0.3

schaltroom is the Client Gem for the Schaltroomconfiguration server

7,515 下载

ghub 0.14.0

A monadic GitHub API client.

7,435 下载

redis_locker 0.1.3

redis locker gem allows to lock model methods to prevent concurent execution

7,411 下载

m2m_keygen 0.4.7

Secure M2M key generator for Ruby. Generates secure keys for M2M communication in REST ...

7,291 下载

heroku-config 0.4.0

Heroku Config AWS Access Key Rotator

7,251 下载

http-fake 3.4.1

A HTTP fake implementation for test suites.

7,248 下载

datory 1.0.0

A set of tools for building reliable services of any complexity

7,160 下载

netatmo 0.1.3

Ruby Wrapper for the Netatmo HTTP API

7,051 下载

finviz 0.4.0

Easy way tp access data from

6,895 下载

realm-sns 0.7.4

SNS/SQS plugin for Realm

6,794 下载

lexicon-common 0.2.1

Common classes and services for Ekylibre's Lexicon

6,787 下载

lograge_waittime 0.4.1

Add webserver request queueing time to lograge output.

6,778 下载

activestorage_openstack 0.1.6

OpenStack ActiveStorage service without dependencies.

6,757 下载

bx_builder_chain 0.1.18

LangChain but for the builder tech stack.

6,724 下载

kono_utils_helpers 0.1.2

Gem containing all KonoUtils Helpers external of the core

6,720 下载

transactable 0.12.0

A domain specific language for functionally composable transactional workflows.

6,710 下载

youtrack_client 1.0.1

REST API client for youtrack from jetbrains

6,707 下载

realm-rom 0.7.5

ROM SQL persistence plugin for Realm

6,698 下载

下载总量 372,223,284

这个版本 2,067,838



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
