Dépendances inversées pour zeitwerk Latest version of the following gems require zeitwerk
shark-on-lambda 2.1.0
`shark-on-lambda` does the heavy lifting for writing web services based on AWS API Gate...
31 626 Téléchargements
nfl_data 0.1.1
Parse NFL data like a boss
31 430 Téléchargements
omniai 2.0.0
An interface for OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, Anthropic's Claude, Mistral's LeCha...
29 298 Téléchargements
rails-transactional-outbox 1.0.0
An implementation of transactional outbox pattern to be used with Rails.
28 317 Téléchargements
vime_view_components 5.1.0
ViewComponents for vime.js
28 141 Téléchargements
codebuild 0.6.7
CodeBuild DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodeBuild Project
28 094 Téléchargements
forger 3.0.2
Create EC2 Instances with preconfigured settings
27 332 Téléchargements
shotgun_api_ruby 0.1.1
Gem to facilitate the interaction with Shotgun's REST API.
27 315 Téléchargements
parse_date 0.4.3
Get normalized date values for searching, faceting and display (e.g. in Solr search eng...
27 294 Téléchargements
code-ruby 1.2.5
a programming language for the internet
26 746 Téléchargements
openfeature-sdk-sorbet 0.5.0
Sorbet-aware implemention of the OpenFeature specification
26 458 Téléchargements
terraspace_ci_azure 0.1.0
Terraspace CI Azure support
26 071 Téléchargements
lono-pro 0.5.0
Lono Pro Addon
25 753 Téléchargements
historiographer 4.1.14
Append-only histories + chained snapshots of your ActiveRecord tables
25 332 Téléchargements
devise-activegraph 3.0.0
ActiveGraph integration with the Devise authentication framework
25 015 Téléchargements
terraspace_vcs_github 0.1.1
Terraspace VCS GitHub support
24 557 Téléchargements
kubes_google 0.3.11
Kubes Google Helpers Library
24 194 Téléchargements
indoctrinatr-tools 0.17.0
indoctrinatr-tools provides a set of command line tools for Indoctrinatr (an Open Sourc...
23 807 Téléchargements
saft 0.2.1
SAF-T parser and writer
23 784 Téléchargements
selective-ruby-core 0.2.5
Selective is an intelligent test runner for your current CI provider. Get real-time tes...
23 221 Téléchargements
selective-ruby-core 0.2.5
Selective is an intelligent test runner for your current CI provider. Get real-time tes...
23 221 Téléchargements
selective-ruby-core 0.2.5
Selective is an intelligent test runner for your current CI provider. Get real-time tes...
23 221 Téléchargements
selective-ruby-core 0.2.5
Selective is an intelligent test runner for your current CI provider. Get real-time tes...
23 221 Téléchargements
messages_dictionary 2.1.0
This gem allows you to store some text in a simple-key value format and fetch it whenev...
22 898 Téléchargements
vncpost_api 0.4.0
Ruby object based VNCPost API wrapper.
22 695 Téléchargements
graphql-sources 1.5.3
Common loaders for various database or cache operations.
22 677 Téléchargements
gandi_v5 0.10.1
Make use of Gandi's V5 API.
22 527 Téléchargements
dry-operation 1.0.0
A domain specific language for composable business transaction workflows.
22 468 Téléchargements
pipeable 1.2.0
A domain specific language for building functionally composable steps.
22 273 Téléchargements
terraspace_ci_gitlab 0.2.0
Terraspace CI GitLab support
21 958 Téléchargements