Dépendances inversées pour zeitwerk Latest version of the following gems require zeitwerk
serverlessgems 0.4.1
Client Library works with Serverless Gems API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
227 225 Téléchargements
terraspace_plugin_azurerm 0.7.1
Terraspace Azurerm Cloud Plugin
227 122 Téléchargements
meetup_orbit 0.1.1
This gem brings in Meetup activities to your Orbit workspace
224 653 Téléchargements
nopassword 0.1.5
NoPassword is a toolkit that makes it easy to implement temporary, secure login codes i...
220 880 Téléchargements
geoblacklight 5.0.0
GeoBlacklight provides a world-class discovery platform for geospatial (GIS) holdings. ...
216 027 Téléchargements
bc-lightstep-ruby 2.7.0
Gem for lightstep distributed tracing
209 598 Téléchargements
bridgetown-core 1.3.4
Bridgetown is a next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powe...
207 816 Téléchargements
learn-test 3.3.1
Runs RSpec, Karma, Mocha, and Python Pytest Test builds and pushes JSON output to Learn.
202 741 Téléchargements
isomorfeus-react 16.13.12
Write React Components in Ruby.
192 885 Téléchargements
sdr-client 2.19.0
This provides a way to deposit repository objects into the Stanford Digital Repository
192 369 Téléchargements
dynomite 2.0.3
ActiveRecord-ish DynamoDB ORM
191 618 Téléchargements
json_skooma 0.2.5
I bring some sugar for your JSONs.
184 971 Téléchargements
skooma 0.3.4
Apply a documentation-first approach to API development.
184 744 Téléchargements
aws-logs 1.0.0
Tail AWS CloudWatch Logs
183 680 Téléchargements
tocer 19.1.0
A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.
171 049 Téléchargements
terraspace_plugin_google 0.5.0
Terraspace Google Cloud Plugin
169 309 Téléchargements
formula 2.0.1
Formula is a Rails form generator that generates simple clean markup. The project aims ...
161 899 Téléchargements
milestoner 19.3.0
A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.
151 694 Téléchargements
gruf-sentry 1.5.0
Automatically report gruf failures as sentry errors
150 970 Téléchargements
datadog-compound-metrics 0.1.0
A gem for building compound metric (a single metric from multiple ones). Mostly to have...
139 160 Téléchargements
isomorfeus-transport 2.5.5
Channels, authetication and various transport options for Isomorfeus.
138 096 Téléchargements
git-lint 9.1.0
A command line interface for linting Git commits.
136 152 Téléchargements
armrest 0.2.2
Ruby Azure REST API Library
133 712 Téléchargements
grape-app 0.11.3
Standalone Grape API apps
131 202 Téléchargements
pennyworth 18.1.0
A command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows.
123 867 Téléchargements
camping 3.2.6
miniature rails for anyone
120 724 Téléchargements
spandx 0.19.0
Spandx is a ruby API for interacting with the spdx.org software license catalogue. This...
117 241 Téléchargements
pragmater 16.1.0
A command line interface for managing pragma comments.
114 261 Téléchargements
hanami-reloader 2.2.0
Code reloading for Hanami
114 060 Téléchargements
prop_initializer 0.2.0
PropInitializer provides an easy way to define properties for Ruby classes with options...
113 780 Téléchargements