Dépendances inversées pour zeitwerk Latest version of the following gems require zeitwerk
dry-openapi-cli 0.0.0
Generate dry-schema or/and dry-validation classes from OpenAPI 3 specification
660 Téléchargements
nero 0.4.0
Some convenient YAML-tags... - to get environment values: env, env?, env/integer, env/i...
654 Téléchargements
cryptorank 0.0.1
CryptoRank Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the CryptoRank API web services.
648 Téléchargements
kubezilla 0.1.0
Watches for image updates and automatically deploys new versions.
639 Téléchargements
bridgetown-deploy_hook 0.1.0
Add a Bridgetown hook triggered by HTTP for running post-deploy actions
617 Téléchargements
glb 0.1.1
Google Load Balanacer Tool
609 Téléchargements
import_graph 0.0.1
Import Graph is a Gem that creates a dependency graph of all the ruby files in a given ...
598 Téléchargements
connect-ruby 0.1.0
Idiomatic Connect RPCs for Ruby.
596 Téléchargements
apinator 0.0.1
Now in development
589 Téléchargements
hanami-cucumber 0.1.0
Hanami Cucumber generators and Rake tasks
589 Téléchargements
ai18n 0.0.1
AI tools for Internationalization (I18n).
588 Téléchargements
mysql2-aws_rds_iam 0.2.0
Mysql2::AwsRdsIam is an extension of mysql2 gem that adds support of IAM authentication...
585 Téléchargements
categoria 0.1.0.pre.beta1
categoria presents a set of generators for domain-driven development in rails
572 Téléchargements
omi 0.0.0
Omi is a modular, batteries-included toolkit for building command line applications of ...
567 Téléchargements
sorbet-http 0.0.1
Common HTTP types for use with Sorbet-aware Ruby projects.
566 Téléchargements
Kamal with the TLS on demand feature.
561 Téléchargements
ar_ulid 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
556 Téléchargements
hyrum 0.1.0
A multi-language code generator to cope with Hyrum's law
555 Téléchargements
unicode_script_detector 0.0.4
Detect the unicode script per character
553 Téléchargements
ir_telemetry 0.2.0
Parse and browse iRacing telemetry files with Ruby.
552 Téléchargements
enkel 0.1.0
Write smaller and simpler code.
542 Téléchargements
stored_session 0.4.0
Encrypted, database-backed session store for Rails.
522 Téléchargements
evergreen-ils 0.2.0
A gem for interacting with the Evergreen Integrated Library System
517 Téléchargements
audio_tag 0.1.0
Ruby library for reading and writing audio file metadata
488 Téléchargements
phorm 0.1.0
Amazing forms for Phlex
482 Téléchargements
view_component_attributes 0.1.1
Concerns to help manage attributes in View Components
481 Téléchargements
stocksy 0.1.0
Command line tool to get stock market data
471 Téléchargements
unigo-sender-simple 0.0.13
Based on official UniGo Gem https://gitflic.ru/project/unisender/unigo-ruby
459 Téléchargements
jets.benforeva 3.0.17.pre.mount.pre.fix
This is a fix for mounted rack apps. It resets the gem to an inbetween commit between 3...
454 Téléchargements
kraaken 0.0.1
Kraaken helps you deploy your applications with docker, traefik and cloudflare tunnels.
453 Téléchargements