Dépendances inversées pour zeitwerk Latest version of the following gems require zeitwerk
hanamimastery-cli 0.4.0
A set of command line utility scripts helping with producing Hanami Mastery content.
3 018 Téléchargements
bundlebun bundles Bun, a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, and builder, with yo...
2 990 Téléchargements
bundlebun bundles Bun, a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, and builder, with yo...
2 990 Téléchargements
bundlebun bundles Bun, a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, and builder, with yo...
2 990 Téléchargements
bundlebun bundles Bun, a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, and builder, with yo...
2 990 Téléchargements
bundlebun bundles Bun, a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, and builder, with yo...
2 990 Téléchargements
rsg 0.1.0
A custom generator that scaffolds Rails apps with Doximity conventions baked in
2 989 Téléchargements
dotz 0.0.1
A dotfile management tool
2 905 Téléchargements
hipflag 1.0.0
This gem is a Ruby client for interacting with Hipflag API. Hipflag is a tool that allo...
2 807 Téléchargements
phlexi-field 0.0.11
Base fields for the Phlexi libraries
2 796 Téléchargements
gemfather 2.3.1
Library that helps to generate high-quality API clients
2 785 Téléchargements
story_key 0.5.0
StoryKey converts a private key to a memorable story and vice versa.
2 755 Téléchargements
ra 1.0.0
This should probably never be used for anything but learning.
2 725 Téléchargements
homographic_spoofing 0.1.1
A toolkit to both detect and sanitize homographic spoofing attacks in URLs and Email ad...
2 724 Téléchargements
jets_bb_fork 0.0.4
Fork of rubyonJets - emergency fix for handling AWS CF 60 Output limit. Will PR later....
2 705 Téléchargements
terraspace_plugin_scaleway 0.1.1
Terraspace Scaleway Cloud Plugin
2 692 Téléchargements
actionview-svelte-handler 0.8.1
Documentation is available at https://svelte.rb.obl.ong
2 614 Téléchargements
stretchy-model 0.7.0
Provides a familiar ActiveRecord-like interface for working with Elasticsearch
2 569 Téléchargements
msp430_bsl 0.3.0
Texas Instrument MSP430 BSL Ruby library
2 556 Téléchargements
capybara-compose 1.0.4
Write tests that everyone can understand, and leverage your Ruby skills to keep them ea...
2 545 Téléchargements
dialekt 0.1.0
DSL utilities
2 518 Téléchargements
netilion 0.1.0
Ruby Wrapper for the Netilion Information Hub API
2 484 Téléchargements
lexicon-cli 0.1.0
Basic Cli for the Lexicon
2 477 Téléchargements
aga-message 0.0.6
Message Ruby is a lightweight gem for build message & send via Telegram.
2 439 Téléchargements
remote_sh 0.1.11
CLI for remote development
2 424 Téléchargements
rails_stage 0.1.0
Know at what development life cycle stage you are
2 422 Téléchargements
aga-request 0.0.3
Aga request Ruby is a lightweight gem for increase quality of coding doing request HTTP.
2 411 Téléchargements
mooncell 0.1.0
The Domain Driven Design Online Game Server
2 374 Téléchargements
lexoranking 0.1.3
Allow your models to order and reorder elements using lexoranking sorting.
2 365 Téléchargements
fulfil_api 0.3.0
A Ruby HTTP client to interact with the API endpoints of Fulfil.io
2 340 Téléchargements