RubyGems Navigation menu

yajl-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 yajl-ruby

capistrano-alice 0.0.7

This makes deploying apps to alice/pluto much easier.

28,545 下載

desviar 0.0.18

Desviar provides URL redirection; some possible applications include: - Web signup proc...

28,454 下載

ronin-wrapper 0.1.3

A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.

28,416 下載

oplop 2.1.0

Provides a ruby library and command line tool for Oplop

28,361 下載

autosuggest-rb 0.1.6

This is a gem that wraps the AutoSuggest javascript plugin

27,799 下載

herdis 0.0.8

A Redis herder for simplifying Redis presharding

27,677 下載

ascribe 0.1.0

No longer supported - please use active_attr (

27,667 下載

melissadata 0.1.5

Ruby wrappers around MelissaData objects

27,300 下載

i3-ipc 0.2.0

uses the ipc socket of i3 to send commands or get information directly from the window ...

27,065 下載

sql2avro 0.5.1

sql2avro extracts data from a specified SQL database table and transforms it into an Av...

26,974 下載

morpheus 0.5.0

RESTful API Client

26,806 下載

newslettre 0.2.4

Create and Manage Newsletters using the Sendgrid API

26,767 下載

leecher 1.1.1

A server populates a queue, this client downloads those files

26,697 下載

buff 0.0.6

Buff is an API Wrapper Gem for's API

26,670 下載

play 0.0.8

We want to play music at our office. Everyone has their own library on their own mach...

26,467 下載

sinbook 0.1.9

A full-featured facebook extension for the sinatra webapp framework

26,352 下載

optimis_client 0.3.3

a Ruby client library for Optimis Service

26,260 下載

many_versioned_gem 0.2.3

This gem is used for testing

26,237 下載

kingkong 1.0.2

Have you ever wanted to shoot a message throught Twitter, have your app pick it up, do ...

26,236 下載

readability-engine 0.0.8

This gem/engine allows you to access Readability APIs.

26,154 下載

nugget 0.0.11

a http and tcp testing service

26,063 下載

csdn-tire 0.7.2

Tire is a Ruby client for the CSDNSearch search engine/database.

25,944 下載

logstash-cli 0.0.8

CLI interface to logstash

25,918 下載

poundie 0.1.4

Uses plugins to interact with campfire rooms

25,765 下載

patty 0.0.9

Server part of Patty statistics server

25,718 下載

cfoundry_helper 0.4.0

This gem provides additional helper classes and scripts for the cfoundry gem.

25,593 下載

elasticrepo 0.0.8

Index a list of 'starred' repositories per user.

25,588 下載

sovaa 0.0.8

CouchDB library

25,555 下載

twistream 0.3.0

a simple streaming api client for twitter

25,521 下載

em-campfire 1.2.4

Eventmachine campfire API lib

25,431 下載

總下載次數 80,986,153

這個版本 27,114,287




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
