with_model 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 with_model
enum_for 0.1.0
ActiveRecord::Enum fire SQL request and bypass ActiveModel::Validations, this let you p...
2,700 下载
express_validations 0.1.0
This gem allows you to express the validations in your models as JSON objects, so that ...
2,642 下载
ringbell 0.1.0.alpha
A tool that can attach notifications to the ActiveRecord models for certain users. Mult...
2,163 下载
pg_cinnamon 0.1.0
Add tsquery to activerecord column
2,046 下载
ar_soft_delete 0.1.1
This gem takes an open approach and lets you decide how little or how much your pro...
2,044 下载
pg_like 0.1.0
A gem to facilitate the use of LIKE ANY and LIKE ALL PostgreSQL operators with Rails Ac...
1,171 下载
disallow 0.1.1
disallow certain features in ActiveRecord models such as `default_scope`, `callbacks`
1,019 下载
temporal_enum 0.1.0
Add new methods and scopes for ActiveRecord Enum with a temporal progression
331 下载