Dépendances inversées pour version Latest version of the following gems require version
maven_require 0.0.1
allow requiring maven coordinates in jruby, this is useful
3 724 Téléchargements
wonderland 0.1.0
library to define board game maps with
3 397 Téléchargements
bn 0.0.1
A Battle.net API adapter and entity mapper.
3 333 Téléchargements
salt-matrix 0.1.3
Tool to build salt environments from various sources
3 157 Téléchargements
thot 1.2.2
the simpliest way to template in Ruby and command
3 072 Téléchargements
appifier 0.3.0
Appifier : Applications templating and management tools
2 848 Téléchargements
observe_event 0.1.0
Enables an object to define an event method which to becomes a publisher/observable. Su...
2 436 Téléchargements
tcity 0.0.1a
Handy helpers for dealing with TeamCity on the command line.
2 290 Téléchargements
rubylet-rack 2.0.0.pre1
Java Servlet implementation that forwards to Rack application
2 207 Téléchargements
rubylet-rack-handler 2.0.0.pre1
Rack::Handler using rubylet-rack and Jetty or Tomcat
2 172 Téléchargements
clearest 0.0.1a
Clearest: command line tools for REST (Rack/Sinatra) API generation
2 114 Téléchargements
randomorg 0.1.1
Ruby-RandomOrg helps you make sure that random number of yours really is, you know, ran...
2 084 Téléchargements
fixturizer 0.4.4
Ruby fixturizer tools for applications testing
1 873 Téléchargements
simple-annotations 1.0.0
Simple method annotations like in java or Python methods decorators
1 494 Téléchargements
mockws 0.1.1
MockWS : Web services mocking utility
749 Téléchargements