RubyGems Navigation menu

vcr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 vcr

asin 3.0.0

Amazon Simple INterface - Support for ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup, Search, BrowseNode ...

161,282 下載

metanorma-bipm 2.5.6

metanorma-vg lets you write Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM) standards i...

160,950 下載

opencpu 0.13.2

This gem wraps the OpenCPU REST API.

159,660 下載

thegarage-gitx 2.14.0

Git eXtensions for common development workflow

158,702 下載

reviewed 1.3.0

Client library for the API

158,383 下載

heroku-api-postgres 0.12.0

Ruby library to invoke Heroku Postgres APIs

158,167 下載

openstax_accounts 9.9.0

This gem allows Rails apps to easily access the API's and login infrastructure of OpenS...

156,141 下載

telleroo 0.2.0

A Ruby interface to the Telleroo API.

155,539 下載

git-whistles 1.4.2

A few helpers for classic Git workflows

154,643 下載

webflow-ruby 1.2.1

Webflow API bindings for Ruby

153,419 下載

wordnik 4.12

This gem provides a simple interface to the entire Wordnik API. Its methods are defined...

153,318 下載

clubhouse_ruby 0.10.0

A lightweight Ruby wrapper for the Clubhouse REST API.

151,769 下載

PageRankr 4.6.1

Easy way to retrieve Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, backlink counts, index counts and di...

150,695 下載

maid 0.10.0

Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel ...

149,836 下載

synced 2.0.0

Keep your BookingSync Application synced with BookingSync.

148,157 下載

chargify2 0.2.8

Chargify API V2 Ruby Wrapper

147,799 下載

bitbucket_rest_api 0.1.7

Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication

145,738 下載

cirneco 0.9.27

Ruby client library for the DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) API.

145,679 下載

langchainrb 0.19.0

Build LLM-backed Ruby applications with Ruby's Langchain.rb

145,311 下載

cobrato-client 1.1.7

This is the official Ruby client for the Cobrato API. See for m...

145,283 下載

umlaut 4.1.7

For Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input

144,459 下載

my_john_deere_api 3.1.0

This gem interacts with the My John Deere API. It handles the hard work of John Deere's...

141,700 下載

awscosts 0.0.12

AWSCosts provides an easier way to calculate the costs of running your project in AWS

141,288 下載

metanorma-plugin-datastruct 0.3.0

Metanorma plugin for yaml2text and json2text

138,939 下載

alexa_verifier 1.0.0

This gem is designed to work with Rack applications that serve as back-ends for Amazon ...

137,574 下載

cryptocompare 0.17.0

A Ruby gem for communicating with the CryptoCompare API

135,371 下載

discourse-ember-rails 0.18.6

Ember for Rails 3.1+

133,790 下載

dict 0.3.7

Dict to open-source'owy agregator słowników.

132,960 下載

foreman_api_client 1.0.2

Foreman apipie-bindings wrapper

131,165 下載

flickrie 1.6.1

This gem wraps the Flickr API with a nice object-oriented interface.

130,735 下載

總下載次數 116,934,996

這個版本 1,185,697



Hippocratic-2.1, MIT

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
