RubyGems Navigation menu

vcr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 vcr

quaderno 3.0.0

A ruby wrapper for Quaderno API

899,290 下載

percy-client 2.1.1


875,874 下載

miasma-open-stack 0.1.4

Smoggy OpenStack API

833,022 下載

miasma-rackspace 0.1.2

Smoggy Rackspace API

830,028 下載

gmo 0.5.7

Ruby client library for the GMO Payment Platform.

825,623 下載

rubyzoho 0.5.0

A set of Ruby classes supporting the ActiveRecord lifecycle for the Zoho CRM API.

822,482 下載

shippo 4.0.0

A gem for connecting with over 20 shipping carriers and consolidators via a single inte...

803,130 下載

miasma-azure 0.1.4

Smoggy Azure API

771,208 下載

pusher-push-notifications 2.0.2

Pusher Push Notifications Ruby server SDK

765,882 下載

miasma-google 0.1.0

Smoggy Google API

764,410 下載

parse-ruby-client 0.3.0

A simple Ruby client for the REST API

756,133 下載

jipcode 3.0.12

A gem for Japan Post's official zipcode data search & update.

754,695 下載

bolognese 2.2.0

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...

698,135 下載

thor-scmversion 1.7.0

Thor tasks to manage a VERSION file based on SCM tags

695,520 下載

contentful_model 1.3.0

An ActiveModel-like wrapper for the Contentful SDKs

693,490 下載

geoip2 0.0.3

Integration with MaxMind GeoIP2 API

689,972 下載

github-authentication 1.1.0

Authenticate with GitHub

677,130 下載

hackerrank 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper to the HackerRank V2 API

658,514 下載

blockcypher-ruby 0.2.7

Ruby library to help you build your crypto application on BlockCypher

648,370 下載

edmunds 0.0.8

Gem to wrap API

640,963 下載

wikidata-client 0.1.0

Wikidata API client

638,401 下載

oa-oauth 0.3.2

OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.

610,953 下載

candy_check 0.6.0

Check and verify in-app receipts

590,477 下載

braze_ruby 0.8.0

Wrapper for Braze API

577,769 下載

slack-ruby-bot 0.16.1

The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.

559,837 下載

academic_benchmarks 1.1.3

A ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...

553,691 下載

transloadit 3.0.2

The transloadit gem allows you to automate uploading files through the Transloadit REST...

553,123 下載

paypal-recurring 1.1.0

PayPal Express Checkout API Client for recurring billing.

536,395 下載

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

535,052 下載

vericite_api 1.5.3

VeriCite Api

532,342 下載

總下載次數 109,054,752

這個版本 7,503,560


Hippocratic-2.1, MIT

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
