vcr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 vcr
citygrid_api 0.0.28
Ruby wrapper for CityGrid APIs
102,942 下載
parliament-ruby 1.0.2
Internal parliamentary data API wrapper for ruby
102,688 下載
jekyll-s3 3.2.0
This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this G...
101,755 下載
v2gpti 1.3.5
Provides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...
101,289 下載
ruby-bitly 0.2.1
A simple ruby client to shorten URLs, expand or get number of clicks on a bitlink.
100,938 下載
ticketmaster-sdk 0.0.06
A simple Ruby API wrapper for the Ticketmaster Public APIs
100,823 下載
connectwise-ruby-sdk 2.0.3
Ruby gem for interacting with ConnectWise's REST API
100,496 下載
echonest-ruby-api 0.8.0
A simple ruby wrapper around the Echonest API
100,208 下載
ruby_odata 0.1.6
An OData Client Library for Ruby. Use this to interact with OData services
100,075 下載
datapimp 1.2.11
Your rails app in a custom tailored suit.
99,667 下載
contentful_rails 0.5.0
A gem to help with hooking Contentful into your Rails application
99,503 下載
radiator 0.4.9
Client for accessing the Hive/Steem blockchain.
98,394 下載
plataforma_social 0.0.38
Plataforma Social's integration gem
98,354 下載
cryptoexchange 0.27.0
Ruby library to query market data from cryptocurrency exchanges.
98,018 下載
userbin 1.7.1
Secure your application with multi-factor authentication, user activity monitoring, and...
97,847 下載
openstax_utilities 5.1.2
Shared utilities for OpenStax web sites
97,414 下載
moneta-api 2.1.0
96,655 下載
help_scout-sdk 3.0.3
Ruby Help Scout (aka HelpScout) SDK, using Mailbox API v2.0
96,091 下載
clicksend_client 5.0.75
This is an official SDK for [ClickSend]( Below you will find a c...
95,979 下載
ruby-lol 1.2.0
Ruby wrapper to Riot Games API. Maps results to full blown ruby objects.
95,844 下載
atrium-ruby 2.10.7
A ruby wrapper for the MX API.
95,729 下載
al_papi 1.0.4
Wraps AuthorityLabs Partner API calls in a gem.
95,485 下載
metabase 0.5.0
Ruby client library for Metabase API
94,850 下載
girlscout 0.6.0
Provides integration with HelpScout REST API v2
94,244 下載
rails4_upgrade 0.5.0
Upgrade assistant for transitioning applications from Rails 3 to Rails 4
93,541 下載
targit 2.5.2
Manages GitHub release assets for pushing binaries and other large files
93,272 下載
chiketto 1.1.0
Chiketto is a ruby gem for interacting with the Eventbrite V3 API
93,254 下載
discovery-indexer 3.1.2
This library manages the core operations for the discovery indexing such as reading PUR...
92,941 下載
alchemy-api-rb 0.8.0
Provides access to the Alchemy text mining API -
91,826 下載
miteru 3.0.0
A phishing kit collector for scavengers
91,807 下載