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rdstation-ruby-client 2.9.0

Ruby API wrapper for RD Station

206,450 下载

elasticsearch-ruby 0.0.4

Ruby Driver for Elastic Search

194,629 下载

bronto 0.3.4

A Ruby wrapper for the Bronto SOAP API

170,853 下载

rev-api 2.5.0

Communicate with API using plain Ruby objects without bothering about HTTP

167,856 下载

build-tool 0.6.9

The tool helps ...

165,064 下载

alula 0.4.27

Alula creates higly optimised static blogs while taking all the complexity and repeated...

163,705 下载

acl_system2 0.3.0

An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various ...

138,203 下载

enumerated_field 1.2.0

EnumeratedField is a library that provides some nice methods when a string column is us...

115,142 下载

bbc_data_service 1.9.4

BBC Data Service

112,960 下载

suitcase 1.7.0

Ruby library that utilizes the EAN ( API for locating available hotels and ...

110,825 下载

acpc_dealer_data 1.0.0

ACPC Dealer data

105,261 下载

acpc_poker_match_state 2.2.1

Match state data manager.

88,171 下载

adapi 0.2.0

This gem provides user-friendly interface to Google Adwords API.

87,496 下载

nullobject 0.0.6

Null Object Design Pattern Ruby implementation

87,020 下载

parse_resource 1.8.0

An ActiveResource-like wrapper for the Parse REST api.

85,152 下载

rack-superfeedr 0.4.6

A gem that provides a rack middleware to interract with Superfeedr's API.

83,305 下载

fraggle 4.0.1

An EventMachine Client for Doozer

81,631 下载

rails_utils 4.0.0

Rails helpers based on opinionated project practices. Currently useful for structuring ...

80,640 下载

mail_spy 0.1.1

Mailspy allows for quick and easy creation, sending and tracking of email campaigns

68,656 下载

bindeps 1.2.1

binary dependency management for ruby gems

67,277 下载

find_as_hashes 0.6.0

Provides ActiveRecord methods to return results as attribute hashes rather than instant...

66,002 下载

stuff-classifier 0.5

2 methods are provided for now - (1) naive bayes implementation + (2) tf-idf weights

64,462 下载

sklik-api 0.1.6

Sklik advertising PPC api for creating campaigns and updating them when they runs

63,758 下载

redis-model-extension 0.4.2

It provides functions as find, find_by_alias, get, exists?, validate, save etc.

62,241 下载

regular_validation 0.0.2

A collection of Regular Expression validations

59,689 下载

cieloz 0.0.21

A utility gem for Cielo Integration

58,268 下载

social_connections 0.0.19

The idea is to provide pluggable social connections, activities and a method to digest ...

56,589 下载

markdown2confluence 0.0.4

Based on Kramdown, a convert object .to_confluence

56,552 下载

redis-persistence 0.1.0

Simple ActiveModel-compatible persistence layer in Redis

55,960 下载

pretty_diff 2.1.4

PrettyDiff is a highly customizable library for creating fully featured HTML ...

55,571 下载

下载总量 3,155,957

这个版本 332,449



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