RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para turn La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren turn

outbanker 0.1.2

outbanker is Ruby wrapper for Outbank CSV files.

5.723 Descargas

white_payments 2.0

White is the easiest way to accept payments online in the middle east. See https://whit...

5.689 Descargas

allpurpose 0.0.1

Get a freight cost estimate from AllPurpose Removals and Storage

5.372 Descargas

contextual_exceptions 0.0.2

Provides an easy way to create and raise custom exceptions with the contextual informat...

5.341 Descargas

Missionhub 1.0.2

Consume the Missionhub API easily with this Ruby Gem

4.981 Descargas

brick_house 0.9.0

Brick Layer interface for templates, helpers, and client like use cases.

4.939 Descargas

bixby_common 0.2.0

Bixby Common files/libs

4.810 Descargas

constantine 0.0.1

Looks further than the obvious when trying to create a constant from a string

4.754 Descargas

resque-exponential-backoff 0.1.1

A resque plugin that adds retry/exponential backoff functionality to your resque jobs. ...

4.629 Descargas


Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails

4.621 Descargas

filter_assertions 0.1.0

Gem extends the class ActiveSupport::TestCase by adding assertions to test if before fi...

4.598 Descargas


An EventMachine Client for Doozer

4.577 Descargas

ghrunit 0.1.0

When using GHUnit from the command line to run your tests, it gets pretty verbose. So y...

4.560 Descargas

ghrunit 0.1.0

When using GHUnit from the command line to run your tests, it gets pretty verbose. So y...

4.560 Descargas

azure-multistorage 0.6.4

Windows Azure Client Library for Ruby with multistorage account support

4.487 Descargas

evil_transform 0.0.1

[ruby译]地球坐标系 (WGS-84) 到火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) 的转换算法.

4.474 Descargas

gradekit 0.0.1

Grading automation toolkit for CSCI261 Programming Concepts at the Colorado School of M...

4.400 Descargas

define-wn 0.0.1

Look up words using Wordnet

4.396 Descargas

azure-plus 0.6.5

Windows Azure Client Library for Ruby

4.394 Descargas


Gem for using Chaplin.js with Rails asset pipeline, based on chaplin-rails boilerplate ...

4.392 Descargas

velocity 0.0.1

Provides a barebones, but supremely quick way of querying your ActiveRecord database.

4.345 Descargas

db_to_file 1.2.4

Unload and upload database-tables to a file-system

4.293 Descargas

memerize 0.2

Memerize is a ordinary Gem for generate meme images and have fun.

4.272 Descargas

coderwall_ruby 0.1.0

Simple wrapper around Coderwall User API

4.231 Descargas

games_radar_api 1.0.0

Allows interaction with the Games Radar API

4.220 Descargas

opinions 0.0.1

A toolkit for storing user votes/opinions in Redis

4.219 Descargas

openid_registrable 0.0.2

OpenidRegistrable is gem for Rails. It makes possible define required and optional fiel...

4.217 Descargas

yahoo_sports19 0.2.1

Ruby library for parsing stats from Yahoo! Sports pages. Currently supports MLB, NBA, N...

4.176 Descargas

assemblotron 0.0.2

automatically produce *optimal* assemblies from DNA/RNA sequencing reads

4.139 Descargas

yandex-api-direct 0.0.1

Use JSON api on Yandex api side and automatically manages access token refresh

4.135 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.187.382

Para esta versión 333.535



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
