RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para turn La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren turn

everybit 0.1.1

This gem defines methods for controlling your media through Everybit's API.

7.104 Descargas

sinatra-redis-auth 0.1.1

Sinatra authentification with saving user data to redis

7.097 Descargas

load_balanced_tire 0.11

Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...

7.095 Descargas

ms_translate 0.1.3

MsTranslate is a wrapper for the Microsoft Translator API

7.054 Descargas

fix-trinity-output 1.0.0

See readme

6.999 Descargas

querinator 0.0.2

manages and presents flash card data

6.991 Descargas

mtgen 0.2.0

Creates a minitest spec or test directory and some starter code on a blank project. It'...

6.913 Descargas

sql_pager 0.2.1

Description of SqlPager.

6.904 Descargas

holla_back 0.1.0

A simple Ruby gem for providing a response standard to your libraries

6.871 Descargas

ksync 0.5.1

ksync is a simple class which is used to sync between 2 folders, the destination folder...

6.864 Descargas

active_mailbox 0.0.1

ActiveMailbox provides a simple API and command line utility to work with voicemail...

6.853 Descargas

jam_script_highlighter 0.0.3

Simple JamScript highlighter

6.831 Descargas

uw_learn 1.0.1

Displays student grades from D2l in the terminal.

6.701 Descargas

sidekiq_pipeline 0.0.2

Supports defining 'pipelines' of workers in Sidekiq

6.644 Descargas

redis_connector 0.0.2

handles multiple redis connections

6.546 Descargas

ramenu 3.0.1

Ramenu is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing navigation menus for ...

6.531 Descargas

woli 0.0.1

Woli (as in WOrth LIving) helps you record your memories. Write a short note about ...

6.419 Descargas

indicadores_cl 0.0.2

Chilean financial indicators and currency conversion

6.411 Descargas

succubus 0.1.0

Succubus is a generator which takes stochastic paths through a generalised Backus-...

6.391 Descargas

sinatra-single-user-auth 0.2

super simple single user auth extension for Sinatra

6.281 Descargas

wires-inotify 0.9.0

Wires extension gem to integrate with inotify via rb-inotify.

6.224 Descargas

tire-erez 0.5.4

Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...

6.165 Descargas

openkit 0.0.2

List leaderboards, post scores, etc.

6.160 Descargas

benchmark-lab 0.0.3

Run Real Experiment and Calculate Non-Parametric Statistics.

6.150 Descargas

unicode_alphanumeric 0.0.1

Removes, replaces, transforms, or detects non-alphanumeric Unicode characters in a string

6.021 Descargas

lotus_notes_calendar 0.0.2

Given a Lutus Notes calendar url, parse events into ruby class. Includes basic query op...

5.991 Descargas

boblail-unfuddle 0.7.1

A library for communicating with Unfuddle

5.948 Descargas

itiel 0.1.2

DSL for ETL in Ruby

5.909 Descargas

pin_pays 0.3.0

Provides an implementation of the Pin Payments API ( for Ruby and Rails proj...

5.826 Descargas

perfect_reach 0.0.2

Manage Ads, ContactLists via an api

5.805 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.186.109

Para esta versión 333.480



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
