RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para turn La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren turn

open_qq 3.0.3


9.815 Descargas

txtspk 0.0.3

shortens to using text speak

9.790 Descargas

text_tunnel 0.2.0

Use your local text editor to edit files on remote servers.

9.657 Descargas

allows 0.3.0

Simple Authorization for Rails

9.600 Descargas

cipher 0.1.1

Generate and validate license keys

9.567 Descargas

queryable_array 0.0.1

QueryableArray is intended to store a group of objects which share the same attributes ...

9.475 Descargas

erb_parser 0.0.2

Parses ERB templates into two types of tokens: Plain text and ERB tags. Special support...

9.456 Descargas

rr_games_radar 1.0.4

Gem for interaction with the API of GamesRadar.

9.392 Descargas

salty_dog 0.1.2

A complete, RFC compliant implementation of PBKDF2. As opposed to other PBKDF2 gems, al...

9.196 Descargas

candies 0.0.3

Invisible image based tracing service with Redis backend

8.909 Descargas

coletivo-mongoid 0.0.4

A simple Rails 3 recommendations engine using Mongoid models

8.503 Descargas

facebook_sdk 0.0.2

Facebook SDK for Graph API

8.448 Descargas

zapt_in 0.0.2

Client ruby para os encurtadores e

8.442 Descargas

detroit-turn 0.2.0

Turn plugin for Detroit build system. The Turn plugin runs MiniTest test via Turn's bea...

8.386 Descargas


A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo (modified by IGN)

8.315 Descargas

text-format-revised 1.1.0

Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge o...

8.283 Descargas

actress 0.0.3

|Provides Future and Actors. Actors are sharing Thread pool so |as many actors as you n...

8.262 Descargas


resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...

8.216 Descargas

csvision 0.2.0

Gives Hash the ability to be turned into csv files

8.181 Descargas

campgrounds 0.0.2

Provide a wrapper for the Active Network campground API

8.164 Descargas

acts_as_starable 0.1.1

acts_as_starable is a gem that allows a model to act as a starer of other models or one...

8.092 Descargas

stasi 0.1.2

a small authorization library

8.084 Descargas

giraffi 0.1.4

A Ruby wrapper for the Giraffi API

8.067 Descargas

yournavigation 0.0.2

API wrapper for or YOURS project

7.963 Descargas

locky 0.0.3

Mini locker

7.941 Descargas

carrierwave-docsplit 0.0.2

Bring together docsplit and carrierwave in a loving union.

7.784 Descargas

lobstr 0.0.2

deployments so easy, even a zoidberg can do it

7.320 Descargas

net-ssh-stream 0.2.1

Net::SSH extension for streaming stdout and stderr from remote commnad

7.257 Descargas

ircsupport 0.2.0

IRCSupport provides tools for dealing with the IRC protocol.

7.209 Descargas

gistation 1.1.0

Gistation provides an API layer to manipulate Github Gists

7.137 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.185.232

Para esta versión 333.443



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
