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turbo-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 turbo-rails

cable_streams 0.1.1

Extend Turbo Streams with Custom Turbo Stream Actions or CableReady operations

2,515 下載

turbo_cells 0.1.1

The idea is to have an easy way to use HTML over the wire approach of TurboStream in ce...

2,434 下載

turbo-replay 0.1.2

turbo-replay assigns a sequence number to broadcasted messages and caches them. When a ...

2,382 下載

uni_rails 0.5.0

A Ruby library to create single-file Rails application

2,373 下載

eyeloupe 0.4.0

Eyeloupe is debug assistant for Rails. It provides a simple and elegant way to debug yo...

2,359 下載

solid_litequeen 0.10.3

Lite Queen is an open-source SQLite database management software for Ruby on Rails proj...

2,086 下載

rush_job_mongoid 1.6.0

Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine and MongoDB

2,066 下載

acts_as_graph_diagram 0.1.1

Extends Active Record to add simple function for draw the Force Directed Graph with html.

2,013 下載

no_password_auth 0.5.0

NoPassword is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows session authentication with a token or a ...

1,899 下載

masks 0.4.0

masks is a ruby library and rails engine that adds simple, extensible auth to most appl...

1,892 下載


Collection of ViewComponents objects for backoffice

1,862 下載

kommandant 0.3.0

A command palette built with Hotwire and Meilisearch

1,829 下載

panda-core 0.1.11

Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...

1,748 下載

oversee 0.3.1

Lightweight admin dashboard for Rails

1,721 下載

mission_control-web 0.2.0

Operational controls for Rails web traffic

1,561 下載

turbo_component 0.1.0.pre

Components with super powers

1,540 下載

lazy_value 0.0.3

Lazy load values in Rails views.

1,524 下載

deployed 0.1.3

Mountable Rails engine to manage Kamal commands

1,521 下載

solidus_promotions 4.5.1

New promotion system for Solidus

1,376 下載

messaged 0.2.8

A quick and easy way to implement an instant-messaging module using Turbo Rails.

1,261 下載

view_component-juice 0.1.1

Adding an Elm inspired turbo interface into view components

1,255 下載

rails_live_dashboard 0.2.0

Realtime debug dashboard for Rails applications

1,255 下載

crudable-rails 1.2.1

Crudable Rails provides everything needed to quickly build fully functional CRUD-based ...

1,221 下載

evematic 0.1.1

Evematic is a full-stack toolkit for building third party applications for EVE Online w...

1,197 下載

boxcars-station 0.1.1

You simply add and configure the engine, and you have a new powerful tool to get things...

1,151 下載

p2p_streams_channel 0.0.3

Allow to setup one-to-many P2P stream connections (WebRTC) between clients through Rail...

943 下載

achilles 0.1.3

A simple js library to make your turbo apps work better

921 下載

rails_devtools 0.1.3

Devtools is a set of tools to help you develop your Rails application.

909 下載

gridy 0.1.4

Ruby on Rails grid made easy

856 下載

rails_turbo_flash 0.1.1

Flash message injection for Ruby on Rails Turbo Stream responses

728 下載

總下載次數 36,922,120

這個版本 331,856




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1
