RubyGems Navigation menu

tty-prompt 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 tty-prompt

note_taker 0.1.2

A Note taking gem

4,526 下載

teuton-get 0.3.1

Find and download Teuton Test.

4,491 下載

license-cli 0.1.2

CLI for licenses.

4,488 下載

codeowner_validator 0.4.0

GitHub CODEOWNERS validator

4,455 下載

micro_manager 1.0.3

A glorified TO-DO list with a couple of useful commands

4,384 下載

trellodon 0.4.0

The main purpose of Trellodon is to make it possible to backup Trello boards to file sy...

4,326 下載

zarta 0.0.2

In the spirit of roguelikes (except completely text based), exp...

4,288 下載

rosette 1.0.0

Add missing translations from the interface of your application

4,214 下載

elib_mgmt-cli 0.1.12

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,175 下載

dishwasher 0.0.2

A CLI tool written in Ruby to help you remove unneeded GitHub forks.

4,160 下載

postcl 0.1.2

PostCL is een simpel terminal-script waarmee informatie een PostNL-zending opgevraagd k...

4,136 下載

dockdev 0.4.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,093 下載

vagrant-wizard 0.3.0

Interactive configuration for Vagrant development environments

4,091 下載

openai-term 1.2.1

This is a pretty straight forward interface to OpenAI with the option to select the AI ...

3,937 下載

natsukantou 0.2.2

human language translation library for XML documents, supporting DeepL and ChatGPT

3,922 下載

zup-generator 0.1.1

Generator files for API of gateway Zup!

3,880 下載

redash_to_google_docs 0.1.1

Exports Redash query to Google Sheet

3,852 下載

shuttle-cli 0.2.0

Tools to let you choose ssh servers from keyboard

3,846 下載

docker-cli 0.5.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,763 下載

opr 0.3.0

This utility/library exposes the 1password `op` cli in an easier to digest form.

3,739 下載

pruner 0.1.1

A CLI tool written in Ruby to help you remove unneeded GIT branches.

3,730 下載

cruncher 0.1.1

Cruncher looks at your website and spits out the cookies used.

3,692 下載

lyricsender 0.1.1

This gem is a CLI that uses the Genius API and web scraping to rapid-fire send your fri...

3,662 下載

k_starter 0.1.4

Create starter applications for Rails, Ruby, and various javascript frameworks.

3,654 下載

tty-prompt-vim 0.1.0

Vim-like bindings extension for tty-prompt

3,640 下載

tempest-time 0.5.0

Log your Tempo hours directly from the command line!

3,605 下載

npm_3pp_lister 1.0.0

Generates a list of dependencies in package.json, with name, version and a link to the ...

3,603 下載

devbin 0.0.0

Power up the containerized workspace with docker + docker-sync. Run command anywhere in...

3,571 下載

pings_fast_track_gem 0.1.2

A rostering app

3,489 下載

tmrw-cli 0.2.0

TMRW CLI tool that helps you to manage your projects

3,483 下載

總下載次數 40,978,287

這個版本 31,796,980




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
