RubyGems Navigation menu

tty-prompt 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 tty-prompt

twstats 0.3.1

Teamwork allows to log time for all tasks within a project but the stats capabilities d...

13,549 下載

sshyguy 0.1.9

A lazy SSH manager.

13,430 下載

gl 0.4.1

Uses the GitLab API based on the git project your are currently in

13,278 下載

ios_polyglot_cli 2.6.3

A CLI for pulling polyglot translations and generating iOS Source Files

13,247 下載

newman_scenario 0.1.8

Postman doesn't support re-using the same requests in multiple scenario. Duplicating re...

13,152 下載

flow-cli 0.0.7

Flow CI CLI, used to build yaml, run ci yaml locally.

13,073 下載

panacea-rails 0.2.1

Rails Apps Generator

13,020 下載

spotify_rec 2.0

Spotify Rec generates track recommendations based upon a user defined list of items

12,936 下載

dri 0.11.0

CLI app to help triage GitLab QA pipelines

12,909 下載

vman 0.2.0

Command line and interactive menu interfaces for managing versioned S3 objects

12,803 下載

git-dd 0.4.0

git command to delete branches interactively

12,797 下載

hacker-gems 0.3

Hacker-gems installs most needed gems for hackers.

12,611 下載

ruby-edit 1.0.2

Edit grep results in one file

12,500 下載

rockette 0.0.7

Rockette helps deploy and export APEX applications.

12,291 下載

us_passport_tracker 1.2.3

Use this tool to check the status of your VISA & Passport collection after approval

12,189 下載

osa 0.2.3

Get rid of spam on your Outlook account

12,078 下載

tors 0.5.0

Yet another torrent searching application for your command line. But this has an option...

11,909 下載

tcelfer 1.1.2

Reflect on your day, prompts with thor or webapp and stores to db

11,803 下載

vaccine-spotter 0.2.5

This gem will notify you when COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available matching cert...

11,660 下載

imapcli 1.0.7

Command-line tool to query IMAP servers

11,562 下載

mdn_query 0.2.3

Query the MDN docs

11,548 下載

rails-interactive 2.1.3

The gem for setup rails development with interactive mode

11,463 下載

jira_command 0.1.7

jira cli tool

11,312 下載

ath_vega 0.1.16

Ath helps you plan your workout using exercises from the open source app, 'wger'.

11,221 下載

atcoder_tools 1.0.3

This gem enables download test cases, test automatically and submit code.

11,173 下載



11,168 下載

gitloggl 0.33

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

10,916 下載

devops_assist 0.3.11

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

10,794 下載

kuberun 0.4.1

CLI to run pods based on deployments

10,761 下載

rhymera 0.1.4

uses RhymeBrain api to find rhymes and portmanteaus

10,730 下載

總下載次數 35,815,676

這個版本 26,737,535



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
