RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para tty-prompt La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren tty-prompt

task-tree 0.1.3

Task Tree is a CLI tool that helps you keep track of your tasks in a tree structure

6.257 Descargas

openai-please 0.2.0

Convert natural language to bash commands using OpenAI Codex

6.125 Descargas

cob 0.1.4

Format and checkout your branches

6.122 Descargas

neptuno 1.2.1

A CLI for Neptuno distributed architectural style applications

6.006 Descargas

dockerun 0.4.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.871 Descargas

world_in_your_terminal 0.0.4

Explore tiny worlds in yor terminal

5.826 Descargas

monadic-chat 0.4.3

Monadic Chat is a command-line client application program that uses OpenAI's Text Compl...

5.692 Descargas

world_top_movies 0.1.9

Welcome to World's top movies. This gem scrapes IMDB and gives you a list of only the h...

5.645 Descargas

michael 0.2.0

Operate with github to get PRs

5.624 Descargas

Hitcher 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.622 Descargas

branchtree 0.1.2

Interactively manage chains or trees of dependent git branches. Merge or rebase to iter...

5.590 Descargas

aocli 1.5.0

Command line application to retrieve advent of code challenges and create boilerplate s...

5.583 Descargas

gene_system 0.6.0

System configuration tool for applying settings

5.515 Descargas

terminal_hero 0.1.2

Terminal Hero is a simple turn-based roleplaying game, created for coursework. Players ...

5.510 Descargas

devlogs 1.1.1

Create, manage and sync developer project logs

5.492 Descargas

toptranslation_cli 1.0.2

A gem for synching local files with Toptranslation translation service.

5.344 Descargas

ruby-jira-cli 0.0.4

Ruby CLI managing git-based JIRA workflows

5.283 Descargas

duniter_rb_cli 0.4.0

Manipulate easily BMA endpoints in Duniter's nodes.

5.250 Descargas

typeking 0.1.2

A gem to test your typing skills.

5.195 Descargas

unimatrix-cli 2.4.0

Unimatrix CLI

5.161 Descargas

pear-programmer 0.1.15

A Ruby command line interface gem for integrating with the coding assistant API for var...

4.968 Descargas

plutonium 0.13.2

Plutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designe...

4.847 Descargas

nextgen 0.16.0

Nextgen is an interactive and flexible alternative to `rails new` that includes opt-in ...

4.775 Descargas

git_selector 0.2.7

A CLI to let you interactive select tag and branch

4.775 Descargas

code_snippet 0.3.0

A code snippet handling tool

4.766 Descargas

sidekiq_lockable_job 0.1.2

Sidekiq includes a jobs dependencies mechanism to prevent a job from running before ano...

4.637 Descargas

ffc 0.1.1

Support to convert file formats choosing from a preset UNIX command list

4.605 Descargas

rguidepost 0.2.0

Guidepost that indicates useful commands to developers of a repository.

4.529 Descargas

note_taker 0.1.2

A Note taking gem

4.448 Descargas

l1a_prep 0.2.0

CLI Quiz to prep for the L1A Assessment

4.444 Descargas

Total de descargas 36.113.755

Para esta versión 27.029.301



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
