RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para tty-prompt La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren tty-prompt

sherpa-cli 0.4.0

Allows interaction with Sherpa service via a command prompt application

8.591 Descargas

moneylovercli 0.1.7

Submit using ML API

8.343 Descargas

lotrd 0.1.9

"Create your character, slay enemies, stare at yourself, hoarde gold, get shiny things,...

8.220 Descargas

connect_n 0.0.8

A more general version of connect-4 where you try to connect N similar discs. It comes ...

8.148 Descargas

rvm-tui 0.0.6

Ruby enVironment Manager - Text-based User Interface

8.104 Descargas

git_cli_prompt 0.3.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

8.071 Descargas

blade_setting 0.1.3

Description of BladeSetting.

7.968 Descargas

symbol-holic 0.0.5

A simple symbol typing game

7.956 Descargas

papago 1.1.0

A simple command-line translator

7.926 Descargas


A CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.

7.918 Descargas

git-nebenan 0.1.0

Switch git branches based on JIRA issues.

7.843 Descargas

uff_db_loader 3.1.0

Allows to dump, download and restore databases from servers with a specific docker setu...

7.840 Descargas

cl-magic 1.3.2

Magic tools for a turnkey developer experience

7.592 Descargas

vvm 0.3.0

CLI app which emulates the goods buying operations and change calculation.

7.564 Descargas

confc 0.2.1

Clone your default configuration files to current working directory.

7.540 Descargas

pello 0.4

Perform Trello operations like adding pomodori to a card name and moving cards across l...

7.491 Descargas

coinpare 0.3.0

Compare cryptocurrency trading data across multiple exchanges and blockchains.

7.334 Descargas

dungeonsofheck 1.3

A gem for playing the game Dungeons of Heck

7.308 Descargas

devops_helper 0.5.0

DevOps Helper to assist in DevOps operation

7.293 Descargas

vaulty 0.1.0

Vault CLI that is based on the Vault Ruby gem

7.212 Descargas

pick 0.1.2

Pick is a command line tool to interactively select from multiple options. It accep...

7.081 Descargas

cocoapods-mars 0.0.20

A short description of cocoapods-mars.

6.868 Descargas

git_context 0.3.0

`git-context` provides a tool to manage conditional git config.

6.837 Descargas

natural_20 0.2.1

A ruby based engine for building text based RPGs based on DnD 5th Edition rules

6.783 Descargas

rys-bundler 1.0.5

Recursively resolving rys dependencies

6.752 Descargas

wip-cli 1.4.1

A simple gem to manage todos from the command line.

6.687 Descargas

paster 0.0.3

universal asynchronous pastebin CLI

6.453 Descargas

triton-ops 0.18.11

A Ruby Interface for Triton Operators

6.400 Descargas

ipt 2.1.0

Interactive Pivotal Tracker Command Line Interface

6.337 Descargas

sports_news_scraper 0.1.5

ESPN Scraper is a CLI gem designed to provide quick access to articles on ...

6.316 Descargas

Total de descargas 35.999.763

Para esta versión 26.917.316



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
