RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para tty-prompt La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren tty-prompt

meshtastic 0.0.70

10.598 Descargas

inventarium 0.3.1

CLI interface for

10.595 Descargas

shortlook 0.1.5

ShortLook CLI for scaffoling a ShortLook Provider

10.454 Descargas

extract_i18n 0.6.2

Extact i18n from Ruby files using Ruby parser and slim files using regex interactively

10.336 Descargas

infinum_setup 1.0.0

This script will help you bootstrap your shiny new laptop

10.275 Descargas

linear-cli 0.9.20

A CLI for interacting with Loosely based on the GitHub CLI

10.162 Descargas

configmonkey_cli 1.0.5

Basically chef/puppet for the brainless

10.059 Descargas

itch_rewards 0.2.1

Automatically update available rewards based on purchases

9.797 Descargas

jura 0.0.8

A simple Jira CLI by Ruby

9.792 Descargas

googem 1.2.1

Use with commandline interface. No browsers, no interface, only termi...

9.724 Descargas

gitignore-cli 0.11.0

A Ruby CLI tool that use fantastic to generate .gitignore files to your pr...

9.678 Descargas

yadecli 0.1.6

Manage development project

9.663 Descargas

joyce_quiz_app_gem 0.2.3

a gem that contains a short quiz

9.598 Descargas

blade-setting 0.2.5

blade setting

9.552 Descargas

service_actor-promptable 1.0.2

TTY Prompt plugin for your service objects for your application logic

9.511 Descargas

rb1drv-tools 0.1.5

Ruby OneDrive Library Tools

9.445 Descargas

static_deploy 0.3.0

Automated deployment to GitHub pages

9.315 Descargas

buildkite_watcher 0.3.1

Command line utility that continuously watches for the buildkite job running current gi...

9.289 Descargas

G4t 2.1

A simple cli app to make the git commands more easy to you, commit, push and etc.

9.145 Descargas

spinning_wheel 1.0.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

9.081 Descargas

remove_build_folders 0.1.8

Remove all builds folder for unnecessary Android Projects

9.055 Descargas

libis-metadata 1.1.1

A gem with every generic ruby tool and class related to metadata.

9.000 Descargas

luogu 0.2.6

使用markdown来快速实现 Prompt工程研发

8.901 Descargas

viperaptor 2.2.2

New reincarnation of Rambler Generamba tool (original code got from Generamba)

8.868 Descargas

moneymanager 0.3.2

Import dta from your bank and manage your money

8.863 Descargas

bgg-hotness-cli 0.1.4

Command Line Interface that utilizes the API of to list hot boardgames.

8.840 Descargas

release-gem 0.3.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

8.719 Descargas

daniel_terminal_app 0.1.5

A gem to demostrate my terminal app for coder academy bootcamp

8.633 Descargas

bullit 0.1.3

A tool used to manage your daily tasks and memos

8.604 Descargas

sherpa-cli 0.4.0

Allows interaction with Sherpa service via a command prompt application

8.587 Descargas

Total de descargas 35.871.489

Para esta versión 26.791.895



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
