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treetop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 treetop

logical_query_parser 0.4.0

A parser to generate a tree structure from a logical query string using treetop.

23,749 下載

nql 0.1.2

Natural Query Language built on top of ActiveRecord and Ransack

23,093 下載

exalted_math 0.2.2

Parsing and evaluation of simple maths expressions for Exalted This intended to aid in...

22,986 下載

dgd-tools 0.1.14

dgd-tools supplies DGD Manifest and eventually perhaps other tools. DGD Manifest is an ...

22,465 下載

siren 0.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

22,399 下載


Resume generation and writing tools

22,182 下載

slippers 0.0.14

A strict templating library for ruby

21,617 下載

markdoc 2.0.0

Markdown with support for pseudocode to flowchart and sequence diagram generation

21,592 下載

threedaymonk-l10nizer 0.0.9

Automatically extract strings from ERB templates and replace with calls to t()

21,494 下載

roflbot 0.0.6

roflbot will make you a rofl waffle

21,091 下載

gdstruct 0.9.3

gdstruct - GDS (General Data Structure), a universal, composable data structure, used t...

20,536 下載

lastobelus-merb_global 0.0.14

Localization (L10n) and Internationalization (i18n) support for the Merb MVC Framework

20,318 下載

rulex 0.1.8

A gem for easily wrapping LaTeX code in Ruby

20,102 下載

lsl 0.2.0

little shell language

20,039 下載

starapor-slippers 0.0.9

A strict templating library for ruby

19,105 下載

shades 0.17

Shades computes data cubes for you from events composed of dimensions and measures.

18,972 下載

ice_cube_english 0.4

ice_cube_english provides english time and date parsing for ice_cube.

18,967 下載

bakkdoor-blocktalk 0.1.6

Blocktalk is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language somewhat in the tradition ...

18,809 下載

zool 0.1.4

Zool allows you to manage authorized_keys files on servers. It comes with a command-lin...

18,713 下載

onion 0.1.3

Interact with Tor.

18,118 下載

aq_banking 0.3.0

wrapper around aqbanking cli tools

17,360 下載

aniero-tire_swing 0.0.6

Simple node and visitor definitions for Treetop grammars.

16,940 下載

crisp 0.1.0

a tiny lisp-like language written in ruby using treetop.

16,893 下載

trxl 0.1.11

A specced little language written with ruby and treetop. It has lambdas, recursion, con...

16,812 下載

issue-beaver 0.2.1

Issue Beaver creates Github Issues for TODO comments in your source code

16,734 下載

comrade 0.0.5

Comrade is a simple visual timer on top of dzen2. It draws a line on your screen that p...

16,651 下載

citrus-compiler 0.8.3

Linear compiler written in Ruby

16,494 下載

todoist_querynaut 0.1.4

Todoist implements its filter and query language client side, this Gem reimplements the...

16,410 下載

jievro-parser 0.9.0

Source code parser used internally by jievro

16,356 下載

cddlc 0.3.3

cddlc implements converters and miscellaneous tools for CDDL, RFC 8610

15,944 下載

總下載次數 82,622,710

這個版本 3,860,687



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
