tomlrb 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 tomlrb
emoticon 0.1.0
Display emoticons in your terminal. Communicate with your users not only through words ...
2,218 下載
purtea 0.0.1
Imports TEA fights from FF Logs to Google Sheets
2,177 下載
bibi-cli 0.1.0
Command-line tools to work with Bibi, incliding bibi publish which uploads EPUB files t...
2,038 下載
omgcnb 0.1.0
1,909 下載
thermite-ruby3-fork-dont-use 0.14.0
A Rake-based helper for building and distributing Rust-based Ruby extensions
434 下載
whichlang 0.1.5
Ruby bindings for Whichlang, a natural language detection for Rust.
434 下載