tiny_tds 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tiny_tds
illiad 0.0.3
ActiveRecord, webcirc, and other utilities for Illiad Interlibrary Loan
8,050 下载
golos_cloud 1.1.1
Rails compatible gem that provides full DB connection and models to golos.cloud
7,682 下载
db-query-helper 0.0.7
db_connector the easy way
7,589 下载
sqlserver-schema-reflector 0.0.2
Analyzing any SqlServer database and produce a sql script for replicating the database
7,306 下载
hive_sql 1.0.3
Rails compatible gem that provides full DB connection and models to HiveSQL.io
6,804 下载
mssql 0.0.2
mssql server command line tool
5,348 下载
koromo 0.0.2
A proxy server for MS SQL Server to present as a RESTful service.
5,167 下载
axis 0.3.0
This adaptor exposes the Axis DB. Yeah it does!
5,096 下载
do_sqlserver-tinytds 0.10.18.alpha
Implements the DataObjects API for Microsoft SQL Server using TinyTDS
4,672 下载
fluent-plugin-mssql2 0.0.8
A no frills fluentd buffered plugin to write to microsoft sql server
4,671 下载
fx-sqlserver-adapter 0.0.3
Adds sqlserver adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work w...
4,390 下载
db_query_helper 0.0.2
db_connector the easy way
4,302 下载
qabot 1.1.3
THIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here: https://github.com/lea...
4,088 下载
fluent-plugin-mssql22 0.1.2
fluent plugin to write to Microsoft SQL Server
3,958 下载
automodel-sqlserver 0.1.0
A fork of "automodel" with the proper dependencies for use with SQL Server.
2,531 下载
tiny_tds_wrapper 0.1.0
A self-healing wrapper to be used with connection pooling
2,282 下载
unipump 0.3.0
Pumps time registrations from DANAK to Uniconta
624 下载