RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 timecop

oddb2xml 2.9.3

oddb2xml creates xml files using swissINDEX, BAG-XML and Swissmedic.

416,454 下載

stack_master 2.14.1

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

414,461 下載

memoized 1.1.1

Memoized caches the results of your method calls

402,646 下載

narou 3.9.0


400,707 下載

govuk_content_models 47.0.0

Shared models for Panopticon and Publisher

390,312 下載

mongo_mapper-unstable 2010.08.19

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

376,338 下載

lightstep 0.17.0

LightStep OpenTracing Ruby bindings

372,807 下載

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

360,114 下載

graphql-fragment_cache 1.20.2

Fragment cache for graphql-ruby

359,737 下載

metanorma-iso 2.7.10

metanorma-iso lets you write ISO standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active d...

350,328 下載

state_machine_rspec 0.2.0

RSpec matchers for state_machine.

349,898 下載

html2doc 1.8.4

Convert HTML document to Microsoft Word document. This gem is in active development.

338,557 下載

ama_layout 11.5.1 site layouts

331,206 下載

tn_s3_file_uploader 0.1.15

Amazon S3 file uploader that can build folder structures based on timestamp. Typically ...

324,600 下載

fluent-plugin-barito 0.3.5

This gem will forward output from fluentd to Barito-Flow

324,132 下載

rudder_analytics_sync 2.0.1

Rudder is a platform for collecting, storing and routing customer event data to dozens ...

318,755 下載

sniff 1.1.1

Provides development and test environment for Brighter Planet's impact model libraries.

317,483 下載

tqdm 0.4.1

Enhances Enumerables to show progress while iterating. (Port of tqdm for Python.)

308,191 下載

capistrano-measure 0.10.0

In order to improve something you have to measure it! This helps you measure performanc...

303,138 下載

acts-as-messageable 1.0.2

Make user messageable!;-)

301,814 下載

pliny 1.1.0

Pliny is a set of base classes and helpers to help developers write excellent APIs in S...

298,047 下載

mas-rad_core 0.1.5

Models and logic for the RAD family of products.

296,166 下載

journaled 5.3.2

A Rails engine to durably deliver schematized events to Amazon Kinesis via DelayedJob.

296,073 下載

pkcs7-cryptographer 1.1.1

Utility to encrypt and decrypt messages using OpenSSL::PKCS7

294,194 下載

kensa 3.1.0

Kensa is a command-line tool to help add-on providers integrating their services with H...

291,988 下載

delayed_job_heartbeat_plugin 0.5.0

Delayed::Job plugin to unlock jobs from dead workers

291,686 下載

kumogata 0.5.12

A tool for AWS CloudFormation. It can define a template in Ruby DSL.

291,398 下載

jwt_signed_request 3.0.0

JWT request signing and verification for Internal APIs

289,306 下載

canvas_sync 0.21.0

Gem for generating Canvas models and migrations and syncing data from Canvas

287,583 下載

gratan 0.3.2

Gratan is a tool to manage MySQL permissions using Ruby DSL.

285,844 下載

總下載次數 198,435,267

這個版本 366,345



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
