RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 timecop

gds-api-adapters 96.0.3

A set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs

1,702,741 下载

ruby_audit 2.3.1

RubyAudit checks your current version of Ruby and RubyGems against known security vulne...

1,696,435 下载

cucumber-timecop 0.0.6

Timecop steps definition for Cucumber

1,639,874 下载

logster 2.20.0

UI for viewing logs in Rack

1,584,558 下载

carrierwave_direct 3.0.0

Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3

1,579,405 下载

lorekeeper 2.6.4

Opinionated logger which outputs messages in JSON format

1,565,710 下载

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1,533,876 下载

krane 3.6.2

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

1,497,782 下载

resque-job-stats-promptcloud 0.4.4

Tracks jobs performed, failed, and the duration of the last 100 jobs for each job type.

1,457,833 下载

sidekiq-middleware 0.3.0

Additional sidekiq middleware

1,430,092 下载

rails-healthcheck 1.4.0

A simple way to configure a healthcheck route for a Rails application

1,403,960 下载

newrelic_plugin 1.3.1

The New Relic Plugin Gem is used to send plugin data to New Relic from non-application ...

1,325,635 下载

sidekiq-prometheus-exporter 0.2.0

All the basic metrics prepared for Prometheus

1,321,281 下载

fluent-plugin-flowcounter 1.3.0

Plugin to counts messages/bytes that matches, per minutes/hours/days

1,245,358 下载

d2l-valence 0.0.1

["A", "Ruby", "client", "for", "Desire2Learn's", "Valence", "Learning", "Framework", "A...

1,213,777 下载

filepicker-rails 2.1.0

Makes integrating with rails 4 easy

1,133,776 下载

logidze 1.3.0

PostgreSQL JSONB-based model changes tracking

1,116,221 下载

montrose 0.16.0

A library for specifying, quering, and enumerating recurring events for calendars in Ruby.

1,103,773 下载

inst-jobs 3.1.17

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

1,096,511 下载

autoproj 2.17.0

autoproj is a manager for sets of software packages. It allows the user to import and b...

1,085,777 下载

loggability 0.18.2

A composable logging system built on the standard Logger library.

1,072,858 下载

delocalize 1.2.0

Delocalize is a tool for parsing localized dates/times and numbers.

1,071,354 下载

flexirest 1.12.4

Accessing REST services in a flexible way

1,043,963 下载

cfoundry 4.7.1

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.

1,040,473 下载

autobuild 1.24.0

Collection of classes to handle build systems (CMake, autotools, ...) and import mechan...

1,013,321 下载

phobos 2.1.6

Phobos is a microframework and library for kafka based applications, it wraps common be...

1,006,022 下载

mini_cache 1.1.0

A lightweight, in-memory cache for Ruby objects

1,004,832 下载

bosh-stemcell 1.3262.24.0

Bosh::Stemcell provides tools to manage stemcells

998,658 下载

delayed_job_recurring 0.3.9

Extends delayed_job to support recurring jobs, including timezone support

983,416 下载

bosh_cli_plugin_micro 1.3262.24.0

BOSH CLI plugin for Micro BOSH deployment

970,756 下载

下载总量 205,263,664

这个版本 2,250,278




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.2
