RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 timecop

breakers 0.7.1

This is a Faraday middleware that detects backend outages and reacts to them

233,566 下载

leftovers 0.12.2

Find unused methods and classes/modules

230,212 下载

rspec-timecop 0.3.0

Provides helper methods for using Timecop in RSpec examples.

227,098 下载

metanorma-ietf 3.3.9

metanorma-ietf lets you write IETF documents, such as Internet-Drafts and RFCs, in nati...

225,361 下载

hoodoo 4.0.0

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

222,530 下载

fresh_redis 0.1.0

Aggregate, expiring, recent data in Redis

222,126 下载

logtail-rails 0.2.8

Better Stack Rails integration

221,648 下载

alephant-broker 3.19.1

Brokers requests for alephant components

220,049 下载

metanorma-csa 2.5.2

metanorma-csa lets you write CSA Normal Documents (CSAND) in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem...

217,221 下载

metanorma-un 0.12.18

Metanorma for UN documents. Formerly known as metanorma-unece

211,492 下载

reactive_shipping 3.0.0

Get rates and tracking info from various shipping carriers. A fork of Shopify's origina...

210,214 下载

pronto-undercover 0.2.0

Pronto runner for Undercover - actionable code coverage

209,588 下载

woody-decorators 12.2.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

208,709 下载

soapy_cake 2.3.1

Simple client for the CAKE API (

205,476 下载

mathml2asciimath 0.0.14

Convert MathML to AsciiMath This gem is in active development.

205,093 下载

lamby 6.0.1

Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration using Rack and various utilities.

204,838 下载

pageflow 17.0.4

Multimedia story telling for the web.

203,585 下载

auditable 0.1.6

A simple gem that audit ActiveRecord models' attributes or methods by taking snapshots ...

203,442 下载

simple_deploy 0.10.2

Opinionated gem for Managing AWS Cloud Formation stacks and deploying updates to Instan...

203,174 下载

cloudfactory 0.7.4

A Ruby wrapper and CLI for to interact with REST API

202,490 下载

avocado-docs 4.0.3

Avocado listens for JSON responses in the test environment and generates a YAML file de...

188,987 下载

metanorma-iho 1.0.3

metanorma-iho lets you write IHO in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development.

185,519 下载

metanorma-plugin-lutaml 0.7.10

Metanorma plugin for LutaML

183,079 下载

mihari 7.6.4

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

183,031 下载

loggregator_emitter 5.2.0

Library to emit data to Loggregator

180,031 下载

philotic 1.3.1

Lightweight, opinionated wrapper for using RabbitMQ headers exchanges

177,878 下载

metanorma-cc 2.5.2

metanorma-cc lets you write CalConnect standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in ac...

177,831 下载

metanorma-utils 1.10.2

metanorma-utils provides utilities for the Metanorma stack

177,401 下载

metanorma-generic 2.7.1

Metanorma template gem for customisation. This gem is meant to be customised for any do...

177,125 下载

resque-bus 0.7.0

A simple event bus on top of Resque. Publish and subscribe to events as they occur thro...

177,112 下载

下载总量 205,273,334

这个版本 2,252,413




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.2
